Peruvian lily and the admirer

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

Lily of the Incas 1.jpg

There is a large garden bet filled with those lilies. Year after year the grow and then die back for winter. First it is a mess of large green leaves and if you ask me - they could even stay like that. They look at bit like some green Hostas.

And the flowers show up...

Lily of the Incas

Lily of the Incas 2.jpg

They can have different colours, though here only pink ones bloom. Would be nice to have the mixed with some yellow ones.
They are native to South America and can grow as tall as 1.5m. Pretty cool sight when dozens of stems is in bloom.

So I tried to to get some nice shots of the flowers... I was even ready to splash them a bit to get the waterdrops on the petals.

But I had to change my plans when this guy showed up :)

Lily of the Incas bumblebee 7.jpg

Lily of the Incas bumblebee 9.jpg

Lily of the Incas bumblebee 2.jpg

And I had to let him do his thing.
And it was a pleasure to watch. Those bumblebees are so cute!

Lily of the Incas bumblebee 3.jpg

Lily of the Incas bumblebee 4.jpg

Lily of the Incas bumblebee 5.jpg

Little plush fellas :)

Lily of the Incas 3.jpg

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.

separator flowers.jpg


That shot with the bee in the air is priceless. Beyond pretty flowers. You beautified my breakfast :)

I got really lucky with that one. They are not the fastest and easier to catch in the air that bees :)
Thanks a lot! :D

Cute admirer!

Indeed :D

¡Que fotografías más hermosas! , gracias por compartirlas. El contraste de colores es maravilloso y esa pequeña abejita, es la guinda del pastel.

Thank you! I am glad you like them :)

Great photo!
This "guy" wanted to be famous :-)
Successful shooting!

Haha yea he did! Now is will stay on the blockchain forever :)

I see why the bees are attracted to these flowers. Caution everyone, bee bums on display 😀

Damn! I forgot the NSFW tag again? :o

I have a little question for you if you don't mind.

What's the etiquette on the curangel daily summary postings? You must get so many notifications on this when people say thank you to you and the other curators.

Should I be doing this or is it annoying?

Same thing with the messages from hivebuzz. I see people not respond but others do respond.


I guess it is up to you if you want to respond or not. There is no need, but it is nice to see a note from a curated person. This is just my personal opinion though, maybe other curators do get annoyed with too many tags :p

I am not sure about dbuzz, I don't use it.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 74 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

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Hey @ewkaw, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

You very cleverly caught a bumblebee in the lens!

What about mushrooms? Have they gone by the wayside?

Thank you! A good lens and a slow bumblebee :)

I have to wait for the summer to end to get some. No mushroom wants to grow in this heat...

You still have a fever and mushrooms do not grow, but we already have cold weather. And mushrooms don't grow either.

You weather is so much better for all the mushrooms though!
I will hunt mine when you make snowman :D

I remember that you go for mushrooms in winter. 😂😂😂

Beautiful flower the colour is so attractive!!! Great photography

Thank you! :)