
Hi. Happy New Year to you. It's been quite a while since we touched base. How are you? I hope you are doing well. I have been lying low the past few months doing maybe 3 posts a week or even less. Been very busy. The last month, totally inactive with zero posts. Hopefully, I can get back to posting regularly again. We'll see.

Yes, this could be a warning post as well. That explains my title Toxic Twin. It's quite remarkable how identical the blossoms are, really. Thanks for the visit and it was sure nice to talk with you again. Keep safe and warm. It's the winter season 😊

I'm dealing with long Covid and recovering from a fall down the cellar stairs. But slowly I get stuff done, if not every day. Having a snowstorm today, so that will make life interesting for a day or so. Mostly, we've not had much snow here in Western Mass. Very odd winter...

I'm so sorry to hear that. I do hope you recover soon. Weather here in our area is cloudy with intermittent rain. Not normal during this time of year. I have some friends from Chicago visiting here and could hardly follow their tour itinerary because of the rain. They're scheduled for island hopping tomorrow but forecast is rain. Just don't know how they'll manage.

Anyway, thanks for the update on your situation. I do hope you get well fully soon. Have a blessed week ahead 😊