Amazing Nature community "Tree challenge"

in WE ARE MOVING4 years ago

Yessss my favorite photographic subject, trees.
I am not very about tree names so i can't give you the name of this tree but the girl is called Roxanne :D

I really love to work with models in nature just to show you how small we really are. Even if this girl is 6'1 :D Yes we are big in the Netherlands :p
This picture is taken in the Speuldersbos in The Netherlands, one of the oldest and most beautiful woods of the Netherlands. It has got many curved and crooked trees because the cut all the straight trees to build sailing ships and houses! They just left the crooked trees and now these forest is caalt the forest with the dancing trees. I will make a special about this forest on my travelfeed next week, i have got tons of images of that forest :p


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 4 years ago  

Neat shot. Roxanne posed under the tree really gives a perspective of the height. The golden leaves of the tall trees stand out beautifully against the misty background.

Thank you, and the morning sun was stunning that day :D

Beautiful, beautiful photo. Brilliant shot. Great job!

Thank you so much :D

According to the shapes of the leaves, I estimate that they are oaks :-)
Successful scenery. Thank you for participating in the weekly challenge.


I look at it again and i think its a beech! Remember the nuts on the ground! What do you think? Beukeboom in Dutch, I used google translate.

Mistake on my part :-). I thought of beech or hornbeam and wrote oak.

The power of zoom :D :p