5 Benefits of Snake Gourd Vegetables You Should Know

in Amazing Nature2 years ago


Think about your last few meals. Did you have any bitter gourd dish? If yes, then you know the benefits of snake gourd. This unique type of gourd has several health benefits and it is one of the best vegetable to include in your diet. This organic fruit is also known as vine or ivy gourd, because of its climbing growth habit. Snake gourd is a very unusual but beneficial root vegetable that grows in tropical climates. It belongs to the same family as cucumber and melons. This article will explain the benefits of snake gourd, how to prepare it, and some delicious recipes with this healthy ingredient!


Snake Gourd Vine (Source: hDigitals)


1. Rich in fiber

Bitter gourd is rich in fiber and has very few calories. It is one of the best vegetables for weight loss because it helps digestion and reduces bloating. The indigestible fiber in this vegetable also helps you lose weight. Bitter gourd contains dietary fiber that is responsible for making you feel full and keeping you away from cravings. It is rich in pectin, a type of fiber that is known to lower cholesterol levels. Regular consumption of bitter gourd is helpful in preventing constipation. Bitter gourd helps in proper bowel movements by maintaining the pH balance in the intestine. It also acts as a good cleanser and flushes out toxins from your body.

2. Good for Digestion

Bitter gourd is an excellent vegetable to include in your diet to fight indigestion and other digestion issues. The high fiber content in bitter gourd acts as a good digestive agent and helps regulate the digestive tract. The anti-inflammatory compounds in bitter gourd fight against stomach acid and also help in reducing the formation of carcinogens. Bitter gourd is rich in enzymes and natural compounds that help you digest all the proteins that you intake. This is the reason why the bitter gourd is considered an excellent vegetable for digestion. Bitter gourd is helpful for those who have colitis, Celiac disease, and other digestion disorders.

3. Snake Gourd Contains Many Vitamins

The snake gourd is rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are beneficial for our health. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin K which are very essential for our body.

Vitamin C is one of the best nutrients that your body needs but cannot produce. It is beneficial for boosting your immune system and also helps in reducing the risk of stroke and heart disease. Vitamin B6 is helpful for reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood, and regulating hormone levels. Vitamin K is helpful for regulating blood pressure and is useful for treating osteoporosis.

Apart from vitamins, this vegetable is also rich in minerals like potassium, calcium, zinc, and magnesium. Zinc is helpful for boosting your immunity and calcium is essential for strong and healthy bones.

4. Help You Lose Weight

This vegetable is the perfect choice for those who want to lose weight naturally. You can include this vegetable in your diet and get rid of extra pounds. Bitter gourd is rich in fiber and is known to be one of the best foods to lose weight. Regular intake of this vegetable helps you lose weight and also regulates your digestive system. Bitter gourd is helpful for controlling your blood sugar levels and regulates your insulin. Insulin regulates blood sugar levels and is helpful for those who have diabetes. Bitter gourd is also helpful for those who want to reduce the intake of calories from other sources such as meat and dairy products.

5. Protect Against Cancer

This vegetable is rich in antioxidants and is helpful for fighting cancer. Snake gourd is anti-inflammatory in nature and helps in reducing the risk of cancer. Bitter gourd is rich in vitamins and minerals and is helpful for preventing cancer. It is helpful for fighting against colon, prostate, and breast cancer. Bitter gourd prevents cancer by decreasing the levels of “bad” estrogen and increasing the levels of “good” progesterone.

The high amount of antioxidants in the bitter gourd is helpful for fighting against cancer. Bitter gourd is extremely beneficial for those who are at a high risk of developing cancer.

Other benefits of snake gourd

How to select and store snake gourd?

Bitter gourd is a very popular vegetable in South Asian countries such as India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Before choosing a snake gourd, make sure that it is not wilted or discolored. Although in Nigeria, the snake gourd is not the bitter type and is mainly used as a substitute or in addition to tomato paste for stew and other soups. Usually it would be allowed to ripen on the vine and seeds will be removed wile the remaining vegetable is blended into a red paste (see the image below). You can store this vegetable in the refrigerator for a few days. You can also preserve it in a jar or a container filled with water.


Red paste from a snake gourd vegetable (Source: hDigital)

To store the snake gourd in the fridge, simply wash the vegetable thoroughly with water and place it in a perforated bag or basket. Alternatively, you can wrap it with a paper towel to absorb the excess moisture in the vegetable. You can also preserve it in a jar filled with water to prevent it from rotting. Before storing, make sure that the gourd is completely dry and clean. You can also place a paper towel inside the container to prevent moisture from entering.

###Recipe With Snake Gourd: Bitter Gourd with Tofu and Egg
Bitter gourd is the best vegetable to include in your diet for weight loss. There is a simple but delicious recipe for bitter gourd with tofu and egg. This recipe is perfect for vegetarians who want to lose weight and also have a protein-rich diet. Bitter gourd is helpful for weight loss and is best for people who have a protein-rich diet. This recipe is for people who want to eat nutritious food but don't want to compromise on taste. It is a very simple recipe and is perfect for vegetarians.


  1. 3 medium size bitter snake gourds
  2. 500 g of Tofu
  3. 4 jumbo size chicken eggs
  4. Salt
  5. Sugar
  6. Vegetable oil
  7. Spices


  1. Cut the bitter snake gourd into half and remove the internal elements
  2. Chop the green outer layer into size
  3. Rinse the chopped gourd with salt water and drain
  4. Chop the tofu to size and put in a separate bowl
  5. Add two eggs to the tofu and mix well, add salt and spices accordingly
  6. Add three table spoon of vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry the mixture of the tofu and egg for 3 minutes under a medium heat
  7. Add the chopped gourd, little water and the remaining chicken eggs. Stir mildly and allow to simmer on a medium heat for 3-5 minutes
  8. Serve hot.

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