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RE: Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 183

in Amazing Nature • 9 months ago

It was about 20 days ago, I don't know if it was more than 20 days ago.
(I don't know if the lizard 🦎 is still alive).
I just wanted to share the image
The pictures are spontaneous and ephemeral.

Fue hace como 20 días nosé si más dias
(Nosé si la lagartija 🦎 siga viva)
Solo quise compartir la imagen
Las fotografías son espontánea y efímera


Ok, thanks for being honest. Then, however, I need to ask you for a fresher picture because only photos that are not older than 7 days can be accepted here as valid entries :) Thanks for understanding.

When I see an opportunity to take something inspirational I will do it
(other than another cat victim).

Awesome, thanks :)