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RE: Amazing Nature Contest - August 2021 - #05 - CLOSED

in Amazing Nature • 3 years ago

I'm grateful to be a part of this week's contest winners...😇 Thanks also to @adalger and all the AN team who have worked so hard to make this community even greater...

Congratulations to @francyrios75 for being one of the winners this week ^_^ and my respects to all the other contestants who did their best!! Hope all of you guys having an amazing day!

 3 years ago  

You are very welcome @ipul27 .. it was a very nice entry with a amazing topic 👌 .. I am glad that you participated again ^^

very interesting, I'll try to always submit an entry for every Amazing Nature Contest ^_^

 3 years ago  

Oh wow, that's really great to hear ^^ .. In this case I will we eagerly waiting every week on what you will be sharing here with us 😉

Sure ^_^ let's see, what I find in nature around me, I'm gonna share it here...