The cock's comb flower is blooming to decorate my yard

in Amazing Nature6 months ago










Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful and enchanted, these are the words that I should write at the beginning of this post. The beauty of the cock's comb flower that is blooming in my yard is the exhibition of my post today. Of course, friends, you are no stranger to this flower. which often decorates the yard and is also a flower that I love at the beginning of this year. For friends who love flowers and plants, this flower is certainly no stranger to your eyes, especially if you are a flower lover or a resident of beautiful gardens. This flower has been in my yard for a very long time, starting from when I was little, I took care of it until it bloomed as beautiful as this and I will always take care of it so that quite a few friends ask me for this flower and that is one of their ways of loving plants. Of course I not too stingy in this case so this is one of the ways they want to preserve or preserve plants that we fear will become extinct. I have taken a series of pictures with the smartphone I have, a Samsung a20s with the shooting location in Aceh Indonesia for friends who I love flowers so enjoy the flowers that I have taken and shared in this large community. We know that these flowers are still very natural and it is very appropriate for me to share them in this community so that for friends who love flowers, enjoy the pictures and writings. my writing. for photographers. Good luck looking for beautiful pictures for today and make sure you are someone who loves plants.

CameraSamsung A20 S
Taken By@jepkupi
LocationLhokseumawe, Aceh

Best Regards, @jepkupi