¨AmazingNatureContest¨ # 02 A different ¨ladybug¨ (Spanish-English) Una ¨mariquita¨ diferente

in Amazing Nature3 years ago
Como están mis ¨apasionados¨ amigos de esta increíble ¨AmazingNatureCommunity¨:  Algo que me gusta de esta comunidad es la calidez de las personas, hay un grupo ¨humano¨ increíble; Disfruto mucho compartiendo mis publicaciones porque sé que hay personas que ¨aman¨ la naturaleza y disfrutaran mi experiencia que estoy viviendo con los ¨insectos¨ del huerto

Fuente: Álbum Familiar

How are my ¨passionate¨ friends of this incredible ¨AmazingNatureCommunity¨:   Something I like about this community is the warmth of the people, there is an incredible ¨human¨ group; I really enjoy sharing my publications because I know that there are people who "love" nature and will enjoy my experience that I am living with the "insects" of the garden

Quiero comenzar agradeciendo a nuestro amigo @adalger por su gentil invitación a participar de este esplendido ¨AmazingNatureContest¨ :  Un ¨desafío¨ que me gusta mucho porque me permite compartir las cosas hermosas que vivimos junto a la naturaleza. Desde que iniciamos los preparativos para la nueva temporada de siembra en el huerto, hemos estado disfrutando mucho las presencias de bellos ¨insectos¨

Fuente: Álbum Familiar

I want to start by thanking our friend @adalger for his kind invitation to participate in this splendid¨AmazingNatureContest¨ :  A ¨challenge¨ that I like a lot because it allows me to share the beautiful things that we live next to nature . Since we started the preparations for the new planting season in the orchard, we have been very much enjoying the presence of beautiful ¨insects¨

El día de hoy quiero enseñarles un insecto que este año lo vimos casi a diario, a diferencia del año pasado que no tuvimos la oportunidad de observarlos; Estar gran parte del día en el huerto pudimos observar una gran variedad de ¨mariquitas¨, ellas además de hermosas, cumplen un rol fundamental para mantener saludable las plantas de hortalizas

Fuente: Álbum Familiar

Today I want to show you an insect that this year we saw almost daily, unlike last year we did not have the opportunity to observe them; Spending much of the day in the garden we could observe a great variety of ¨ ladybugs¨, they, besides being beautiful, play a fundamental role in keeping vegetable plants healthy

Debo admitir que este año he aprendido mucho sobre las ¨mariquitas¨, siempre fui de la idea que ellas se alimentaban de las hojas, sin embargo hemos aprendido que se alimentan de pequeñas ¨plagas¨ dañina para nuestras plantas, pero no todas las ¨mariquitas¨ se alimentan así, hay otras que se alimentan de los ¨hongos¨ existentes en las ¨hojas¨ y ¨tallos¨ : 

Fuente: Álbum Familiar

I must admit that this year I have learned a lot about "ladybugs", I was always under the idea that they fed on leaves, however we have learned that they feed on small harmful "pests" For our plants, but not all "ladybugs" feed like this, there are others that feed on the existing "fungi" in the ¨leaves¨ and ¨tallos¨:  

Este año tuve la oportunidad de conocer diferentes tipos y colores de ¨mariquitas¨; Pero hoy les quiero contar sobre una en particular, la ¨mariquita¨¨amarilla¨; El nombre científico es ¨Psyllobora¨¨vigintiduopunctata¨ y es en honor a la cantidad de puntitos que tienen: , al igual que las otras ¨mariquitas¨ es muy bueno que estén en el jardín o el huerto, ellas contribuyen a que las plantas estén saludable, ya que se encargar de los ¨hongos¨ de nuestras hortalizas. Estas hermosa imágenes las tomamos con un teléfono ¨Moto¨¨ E7¨¨Plus¨

Si desean conocer más sobre estas hermosos insectos puedes ingresar aquí en la fuente de información: 

Fuente: Álbum Familiar

This year I had the opportunity to meet different types and colors of "ladybugs"; But today I want to tell you about one in particular, the "yellow ladybird"; The scientific name is ¨Psyllobora¨¨vigintiduopunctata¨ and it is in honor of the number of dots they have:   , like the other "ladybugs" it is very good that they are in the garden or orchard, they contribute to the healthy plants, since they take care of the "fungi" of our vegetables. We took these beautiful images with a ¨Moto¨¨ E7¨¨Plus¨ phone

If you want to know more about these beautiful insects you can enter here in the source information:  


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

 3 years ago  

#posh compartido en mis redes sociales

@jlufer wow nice colourful ladybug.These are called ornaments of nature.I like this natural ornaments.

 3 years ago  

hello dear friend @ sumaiya777 good night
I appreciate with all my heart your kind words, you are very kind
Thank you very much for the support you provide to my post
have a beautiful night

Hola @jlufer, como estas? amigo me encantan las mariquitas, que bueno saber más de ellas. Gracias por compartir esta publicación.

 3 years ago  

como estas querida amiga @mirla33 buenas noches
feliz de que mi post haya sido de tu agrado, es un placer haber compartido esta información
Aprovecho para desearte una esplendida noche y un maravilloso descanso

Hello @jlufer!

good information!
We appreciate your work and your post was manually curated by @none! from the DNA team!

Reach us on Discord to learn more about the project!

 3 years ago  

hello dear friends @dna.org @none good evening
happy that my post has been to your liking
Thank you very much for appreciating and supporting my post
I wish the whole team a great night

We appreciate your work and your post has been manually curated by zoology team (oscurity,nelinoeva) on behalf of Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the good information in this post! hugs!

 3 years ago  

Hello dear friends oscurity, nelinoeva good night
Thank you very much for appreciating and supporting my work.
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid night and a well-deserved rest

How you doing @jlufer I love these ladybugs they are so cute and pretty 😊

 3 years ago  

how are you dear friend @ kohsamui99 good day
It's true, these insects are truly beautiful
Happy that my images have been to your liking, I heartily appreciate your kind words.
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid day

Gidday @jlufer you are welcome and you have yourself a great day 👍

You also display beautiful pictures of insects.
I like to see it.

Ladybugs along with many other insects quietly go about doing more good than harm, nice these enjoy other little pests that creative havoc in the vegetable patch.


Hey @jlufer, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

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