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RE: Clouds - Thematic Challenge No 3

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

Neighbourhood would definitely look at you as an oddball doing a BBQ mid-winter, almost as bad as teaching our children the fat man comes down the chimney stack (which we don't have)...

Traditional hot Christmas dinner at lunchtime growing up, now I cook the day before and we have cold meats and salads with Peppermint Crisp Fridge Tart. Big change from roast with traditional Christmas pudding with tickey's inside (small coin of the old days, Mom sterilized them for pudding hunt.)

Well rain, shine or snow Scholl, Prost, Gesondheid, A la votre, Cheers !BEER


Haha, we have the little Christkind which brings the gifts - there's no fat Santa Clause in Austria and nobody crawls down the chimney 😉

Your Christmas dinner sounds interesting too, also the kids would have fun with the pudding 😉

We have always had something special what we seldom eat, but this year we want to have a traditional dinner, and it's simple and easy 😁

So I say Prost !BEER


Answer for a "North Pole" Santa visit, once again I do not know the artist nor source I have tried hard to find whoever this is, love the sense of humour!

Rhino Christmas.jpg

Haha, that's no reindeer 🦌 lol

Cheers and !BEER

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