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RE: Listen to the heartbeat of nature.

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

Never mind my friend, have a good sleep and tomorrow you will feel much better. And when they say they will cut the power next time, you just believe them, because then the power will stay on 😆

Good night Zac 😴

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)


Oh yes, I am happy and smiling again may friend. So you are right as a good sleep is great medicine.

Hahaha, yes, we will switch everything off before the power cut, wait patiently for a few minutes and if nothing happens we will be happy and switch on again. then a few minutes late the power will be switched off while we have everything on and all of us will scream 🤣🤣🤣

Why do I say this? Because it has happened to us before and even the computer and the fridge just sighed 😭

Cheers and thanks.

That's really annoying Zac, but since we don't have such power cuts here, I have no idea how it must be for you in reality.

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

No one deserves this my friend and yet it also happens in other parts of the world.
So we will just have to close our eyes and endure every time that it happens.
Meantime things just keep on deteriorating, but I don't like to talk about it.

Cheers and thanks.

Okay, but I really can't imagine that they would do such here with us without getting in big trouble.

!BEER and !PIZZA - nice 😃

I just can't figure out why all of us here, the entire nation of all colors cannot stand up and put a stop to all of this.
Maybe one day who knows, but I cannot see it in the near future as there are too many divisions.
We all had one dream, the "Rainbow Nation" started by a great man that suffered many years for this country to unite in peace and harmony. The man was Nelson Mandela.

But since then it seems to have gone down the drain.

Cheers and thanks.

Cheers and thanks.

You need a person like Nelson, one whom all trust and who only wants the best for all, and doesn't think about himself, a good man - a leader.

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

None such here my friend and those that were kicked out are fighting back to rule the country again.

Real leaders that really care for the people and not for themselves are scarce worlwide methinks.

Cheers and thanks.

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