
Good evening Hannes,

Yes, that will be one hell of bang that could even knock you planet into reverse.
Spinning it back to 1500s so it all can start again.

Cheers and thanks.

Good evening Zac,

yep, but do you believe that we would do it right the next time?

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Good evening Hannes.

No, definitely not, unless we take the knowledge that we have now back with us.
I don't think that will be and everything will just be repeated exactly as it is now until the next meteor strike.

Cheers and thanks.

Good evening Zac,
that's exactly what I am thinking too.

!BEER and !PIZZA - nice 😃

Yep, there is no argument about that view Hannes

Cheers and thanks


Cheers and !BEER