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RE: Peppy - The Friendly Skunk

in Amazing Nature4 years ago

Good morning Jo,

yes, the ride was good and I calmed down a bit, but I am still upset and don't trust PeakD at the moment.

This morning is easier at the office and I have some minutes to make all the replies I didn't make yesterday.

Yes, you have been really fast and I have seen quite a few more L posts already. I'll have a quick look at all of them after my reply.

Peppy seems to be nice and smart - you should keep him as a guard 😉

I hope your night was cool as ours was hot, but for today they have predicted some rain and the weekend should be sunny again ☀️

Cheers and !BEER

 4 years ago  

Good Afternoon dear Johann. I’m happy today is easier. It is upsetting when things don’t go as you set them up. It was probably a glitch with Peakd. 🤫I haven’t used scheduling when I set up my drafts.

I’ve heard skunks make good pets. The sacs could be removed but I wouldn’t want to do that to Peppy. Two inside cats are enough to look after but I like having Peppy around outside. He does make a good guard. 😄

The sun is shining here this morning but it rained during the night. The nights have been cool which is a good thing for sleeping.

Have a wonderful rest of the day Johann. 😊

Good morning Jo :)

I said that in the morning, but then I didn't find any time until now. Never mind, shortly my weekend will begin and today our new kitten will join my family. So I don't think I'll have much time in the afternoon or tonight, but these are nice reasons 🙂

I haven't even scheduled the post, just made a draft and added photos and texts when I thought of something new. I was almost finished and then it was all gone 😭

I'd love to have such a guard if I had my own house - just imagine curious neighbors or thieves would only try to visit us once :)))

We have another hot and sunny day, but there are a few clouds on the sky and the weatherman says it will rain tomorrow. If he's right I have time to make my L post 😉

I wish you a wonderful day too Jo 😀

Cheers and !BEER

 4 years ago  

Oh I understand now- your whole draft is gone. I thought it was the scheduling that didn’t work.

That is disappointing and maddening. Don’t be too disheartened as you already have the ideas in your head to start a new post. I lost a draft one time because I never saved it.

You will be busy playing with the new kitten if you get a chance. 😀 I imagine everyone else in the family will want to hold the little furball. What will be the kitten’s name?

You are right about a pet skunk - people freak out when they see one and want to get rid of them. I get upset when I hear of a skunk being shot at because someone’s dog got sprayed or they are just afraid of them.

Today was 30C and I don’t know if it will cool down much tonight.

Have a wonderful weekend Johann.😊

Yes, all is gone, the work of a whole week 😭😭😭
I was really upset because I always take care and save my drafts. But that's Murphy's Law - what can go wrong will go wrong 😉

Yesterday we had 31C, the night was warm but not too hot and now we have a nice cool morning 😀
If it rains today as predicted I'll make my #AlphabetHunt post, otherwise I will play with the kitten and go for a ride in the afternoon 🌞

The red one is called "Lil Pete" and the shy gray is named "Onyx".

The skunks should move to Austria where they would be safe, because only the police, the Army, Hunters and some more people are allowed to carry weapons. We have a very strict law and nobody would get shot just for being stinky 🤣

I wish you a wonderful weekend too Jo 😀🌞

Cheers and !BEER

 4 years ago  

Yes, there is always the chance the drafts may get lost somehow. It is a mystery why your draft disappeared.

Those are cute names for the kittens. I’m looking forward to seeing a picture of them.

There are also strict rules here about weapons and who can have one. A course has to be passed before hunters can own a gun. I think it’s difficult to get a permit to have a gun and they are suppose to be in a locked cabinet when in the house. Even with all the restrictions some people are able to get their hands on a gun.

Have a wondeful weekend Johann.😊

Yes, I have no idea, why that happened, but it did and today I try Esteem, but it's different to use.
Good thing about that: I made a shot on my ride on Thursday which I like and which I might use for the L 😁

They are cute and Onyx is still quite shy, but the Lil Pete seems to like his new home already 🙂

I forgot that you're in Canada and your rules and laws are certainly different from the ones in the US. Of course, here there are also more than enough people who have a gun, but who are not allowed to have one.

It's raining, better said since about midday we have a slight thunderstorm. The kitten sleep, my son is with his girlfriend, wife and daughter are shopping and I'm sitting at the computer for the first time since Thursday.

I wish you also wonderful days, Jo 😊

Cheers and !BEER

 4 years ago  

I used to use esteem but they changed the format and I can’t use the attached keyboard with it now. I put the keyboard on the wide side of the iPad but esteem app would only load on narrow side. It was too much of a hassle switching back and forth.

It’s just you and the kittens having a nice afternoon. ;)

It’s hot today with temperature around 30C. No rain in sight but maybe tonight.

Peppy is probably sleeping somewhere, keeping cool in the forest. He was by last night and had some cat food. I will have to take another video if he would do something funny instead of just chowing down like he’s starving.

Enjoy the evening Johann. :)

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 4 years ago  

Thanks @johannpiber for the engage tokens. I appreciate your kindness always.🤗

You're always welcome dear Jo 🙂

Cheers and !BEER

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