“Star Festival 七夕”

in Amazing Nature3 years ago (edited)



“Star Festival”

July the 7th was Star Festival in Japan. Star Festival is called Tanabata in Japan. However, my hometown Hokkaido, Japan celebrate it on August the 7th for a seasonal reason. I love princess Orihime and prince Hikoboshi’s story. It’s a Japanese myth originally from ancient China. If you are interested in this myth, please check below.

People usually decorate bamboo wishing paper for Star Festival-Tanabata in Japan. I also wrote on the wishing paper called Tanzaku with my husband and hung it in the bamboo looking tree in the yard. We simply wished our happiness, hope, health, and more.

Actually, this tree looks like bamboo but not exactly bamboo. I can arrange its shapes so, I maintain a bamboo gate. Also, if I chop it and plant it, it will grow naturally. These are very strong and nice trees. I can make a tree fence with it. I want to grow many different types of trees on my property. I think I have at least 10 new trees which started growing by themselves this year.

On the other hand, planted flowers and vegetables were damaged by bugs, birds, or unknown animals at night or early morning. It’s sad but I can’t help it. Anyway, I hope Star Festival went well with everybody’s nice wishes!






About Star Festival-Tanabata 七夕についてはコチラ:


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