Thanksgiving Pardon

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

So I did my part earlier this year and pardoned these two magnificent Tom Turkeys that could have been Thanksgiving dinner. We're having some frozen steaks instead.
I really enjoy seeing them around and about the property. Here's hoping their flock grows over the next year.


Happy Thanksgiving all!

All photos original work copyright the author of this post.


They're magnificent! Almost looking like twins, and with synchronised movements too...
One's 'fuller'?! Lol...

Happy Thanksgiving!! 🦃

They were both taking turns strutting and fluffing for the nearby hen. I shot these from my open garage door, only about 15 yards away. Was great to watch them for about 15 minutes until they walked back into the woods.

Cool to have around...

Definitely fun to watch, but even more amazing to hear them gobble when close by. I will frequently go outside and give my own test gobble, just to hear them call back from a distance. Don't often get to see them this close.