Hike with the Snow Mountains in distance

in WE ARE MOVING2 years ago



After breakfast we went exploring and on a bit of a hike. We walked all the way down the beach to the end and were surprised to find another cove and beach on the opposite side which was completely hidden, which could only be seen by walking there as it wasn't visible from the hotel.

There was also a hill with a small church on it which we went to go and have a look at. Once up there we realised we could explore the small hill and go on a tiny hike. We hiked to the other end of the hill.

There were magnificent views from a top of the hill. You could see the sea, the beach and our hotel and in the distance were the snowy ice capped mountains. It's an awesome thing to see such a contrast that it was warm at the beach with people swimming, yet in the distance having snowy mountains.

I also took some time just staring out into the distance appreciating where I was, in that Crete has history dating back more than 2000 years and that I could now be standing there witnessing it's beautiful landscape.

After making our way back to the hotel we went back to the room to chill for a bit before continuing on with the day and adventures that Crete would give us.




Snow capped mountains in the distance







Across the water, you can see our new hotel with the arches

This forest is also at the top of the hill - such diversity

Until next time ...


I love these islands where you can see beautiful magnificent mountains right from the beach. I got to enjoy a lot of these sights on the Canary and Azore Islands but your photos from Crete are also fantastic. Must have been a great hike. I´m happy to nominate this post of yours to my upvote giveaway so that more people can see it :) Greetings from Prague!

Thank you - I have not had the privilege of visiting Canary Islands. Appreciate your upvote. Greetings from Cyprus

 2 years ago  

Hello dear friend @leelektrik good afternoon
How beautiful is this place that you let us know, it is good that you have stayed in a hotel near these beautiful beaches
Beautiful shots, I appreciate you letting us know
Have a beautiful afternoon

Thank you for your comments and for visiting my post. I remember you from some time back - not sure from where - was it in photography ?- because I remember your posts.

Hello leelektrik, would you mind sharing the location of this beach? I love Crete and I'm planning to visit the island this summer! Καλές διακοπές!

I will have to look it up for you - It was walking distance from our hotel. We just basically walked to our right and came to the hill overlooking all these beautiful bays. Crete is wonderful - we loved it. Domes Noruz was the name of our hotel and we walked from the beach.

Yay! 🤗
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