Bee and a Dandelion

This Bee was almost buried inside this dandelion as I observed it gathering pollen. I would see the tail end of the bee and was hoping it would emerge a bit to let me get some closer shots. The patience paid off as it eventually surfaced and let me get a quick few close-ups that were of the sharpness I was looking for. This was a different type of bee from what I usually seem to encounter, not exactly sure as to what species this is, most of the other bees I see are bumble bees or similar ones that have a furry abdomen. This one had little tufts of hair around its head and legs.


The photography results are beautiful and quite interesting.

Thanks very much!

Very nice photos
it seems that this a wild bee. I will check my bee lexica maybe I will find out the type

Yes wild bee, thay would be great. I tried looking a bit but no luck identifying it yet.