Enjoy the Beach with Existing Boats

in Amazing Nature28 days ago

Hello friends, how are you today and hopefully we are all still in good health and can participate in activities smoothly.

Thursday, May 23 2024. I want to show again some interesting images that I have prepared. The pictures for today are pictures I took when I went to one of the places in the Muara Batu sub-district, North Aceh Regency. This is one of the places where shrimp are collected from fishermen's catches. This beach, which fishermen stop by sometimes, has a pretty good atmosphere and in the afternoon there are also many people who visit this place to enjoy the beautiful natural atmosphere in this area. Before I continue to discuss the images that I have prepared, it would be a good idea for me to say my words of respect to all my friends and hopefully the best will always be for all of us. OK, friends, let's look at the pictures that have been prepared.

At that time my friend and I went to this place to play around in the afternoon and then when we arrived here we played on a broken ship that had been abandoned on the beach. In the past, this ship was a fishing and fishing vessel When it is damaged like this, of course it cannot operate anymore and is just abandoned on the beach. So a friend of mine got on the ship and he was quite happy to be able to see the beautiful views from this abandoned ship.

Then I also captured several pictures of the natural beauties around this area. Nature always gives us extraordinary beauty and we as humans can certainly preserve nature. The beaches where these ships stop are usually frequented by people whose hobby is fishing. And then to the east of this place there is also a beautiful place where large rocks are arranged on the edge of the beach so that people who visit the beach in the afternoon can sit on the stones that have been arranged and enjoy the beauty. the natural beauty that exists.

OK, friends, those are some of the pictures that I can show you today and hopefully these pictures can entertain all my friends and make them beautiful pictures for us all. Thank you to all my friends who have given me encouragement and opportunities and see you again later in my next post.

Note, the words I wrote in this article are in Indonesian, and I first wrote them in the smartphone notes application section. Then to translate into English I used Google's help.

Camera UsedSmartphone
LocationAceh, Indonesia


About me

My full name is Muhammad Nur, many friends at Platform Hive call me Mnurhiver. I am from Indonesia. I was born in 1996 and now I work to serve in a government agency in the fisheries section. Apart from serving in a Government agency, I am also a full time content creator. Photography is one of my hobbies and almost every day I look for moments to take photos. The Hive Platform helps my life needs a lot and I am very grateful for this and thank my seniors and friends.

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @mnurhiver


I love seeing things from your perspective. Nice!

Thank you very much..