Surrounded by incredible beauty

in Amazing Naturelast month


Hi guys, how are you all? I hope many of you are well. Friends, constantly moving from one place to another for work or say from one city to another, witness many different things at different times, we often see many beautiful things that we never imagined. It didn't happen again many times like this and have to face many bad things. But it is nothing but sheer misfortune to encounter something bad.


But most of the time you will see many beautiful things when you travel to an unknown destination. So many things have happened to me which I have shared with you in part, despite the. Today I had to go out of town for work. My work is quite exciting. Because I have to go out of town two or three days a week for visits. Today I am leaving to visit a place quite far from the city.


I had never been to that place before, so I had various ideas about the place, and as I got closer to my destination, seeing the surrounding environment, all my tiredness and speculations instantly disappeared. After a long time, I saw such a beautiful scene of rural Bengal, which made me instantly forget everything. For a moment I went back to my childhood. The surroundings were very nice.


So without delay, I will take some pictures with my mobile camera and share them with you. I don't know, friends, how much you understand in the picture, but friends, this kind of environment is really extraordinary, the less I say, the less. The more you see the beauty of nature, the more you will fall in love with nature. I am a nature lover, and as soon as I find any such beauty of nature, I try to share it with you.


Friends, please notice that if you merge yourself for a while in the beauty of nature, you will feel a different kind of happiness. So I suggest you, friends, whenever you are tired or bored with work, you shake everything and go to nature even for yourself. go see

You will see that you are feeling an impossible peace inside yourself. And will give you new energy. Friends, I am saying this as a request to you, if you ever feel tired in your life, then you go to nature and find yourself, then share the feeling you will have with us who are nature lovers.


It's a pretty nice place and I like seeing natural views like that place.

A lot of tranquility can be felt in that place in the photographs. Thank you for sharing them. Best regards.