After the thunderstorm

in Amazing Naturelast year

It is June 20, 2023 and one day before the summer solstice. We just had a storm. A thunderstorm. This occurrence is not so unusual because the country has been experiencing an inordinate amount of consecutively hot weather. Just yesterday, I sought refuge from the heat under these majestic trees.

Hornbeam birch trees

It was inevitable that a storm would ensue. It affected parts of southern England, northern France, Belgium and The Netherlands. It was code orange in most areas of this country– the highest warning level. Luckily, it was only code yellow in Amsterdam.

When the rains came – I wanted to be at home. It poured heavily and steadily. There was lightening, high winds and thunder. It lasted for about 2 hours then it was over. All was dead quiet. As there was no further threat or imminent danger, a friend and I went for a walk.
Oh so green

As we traversed one of my favorite parks in the city, we looked around to ensure that the park was safe. There was negligible to zero debris – caused by the storm.

Main picnic area

If there was a lot of broken branches - we would have cancelled our walk. Safety first.

The greenery in the park was especially beautiful, although the clouds were grey.

The park looked splendid in the evening hue.

Everywhere seemed to glow.

There were only a few people walking their dogs or taking power walks. As we made our rounds, sometimes this was the only "person" in sight.

Soon it began to drizzle but our walk was almost over.
As we were about to depart - "Bob Marley" reminded us that .....

"Some people dance in the rain. Others just get wet."

(It is adviseable to remain indoors if rain is accompanied by a thunderstorm or if there are damaged trees in the aftermath!)

All photos are my own


Got to love a thunderstorm, the colours of the sky and the smell of the air, flooded with ozone. Then the peace and quiet when it passes. the humidity gone, clean and cool.

Perfectly described - one has to love them. The rain anyway - the thunder and wind can be scary. I learnt that a tree fell on a houseboat trapping 2 people as the boat sank. How sad?

OMG, that is terrible news.

Yes horrible

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Many thanks @hive-127788 - I appreciate the encouragement.

The photos are so good for calming the eyes
I love them!

Many thanks @rafzat - I am happy that you like them.

What beautiful photos and a lovely post. We need rain desperately and there is none in sight.

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Many thanks @melinda010100 - it was sort of magical after the rains and also very quiet.
I hope you will get rain soon as well. We needed it a got a nice downpour. Although I learnt that it was a bit scary in some areas.

We just have smoke and air quality alerts. Canada needs a good rain too, to put out those wildfires.

Yes that is indeed true - lots of rain is needed

Many thanks @melinda010100 - it was a very special walk. The light casted a beautiful hue. Luckily we do not experience thunderstorms frequently as they can be scary as we. I am sending good vibes for well needed summer rains.

Lovely shot here @momogrow . The rainfall is always a blessing to humans, and plants, etc. However remaining indoors when the rain comes with a thunderstorm ⛈️⚡⚡ is the best. Safety first.

Nice post as usual 😍

Thank you @nkemakonam89 - yes rain is indeed a blessing. Thunderstorms are a bit scary and I learn afterwards that some areas got damages and people even lost their lives. So sad.

Oh my goodness 🤭🤭
That's a sad story

May God keep us safe 🙏

Glad to know that you are ok after the thunderstorm, you took a nice opportunity to take really good photos!

Thank you @malos10 Yes I took the opportunity to capture a few photos. I am happy you enjoy them. It was not easy while try to feel moving. :-)

We are having storms almost every day but compared to dry super hot summer that we had last year, I'm not complaining about that

Yes I can understand that. I am sure the farmers here are not complaining. The wind speed was scary in some areas and I learnt of some deadly damages too.

However rain is always welcome.

Lovely shot. It's really sad that you don't have rain over there but here in Nigeria we have a lot of it these days

We do get rain but like in Nigeria - it is mostly seasonal. I guess in Nigeria it is now the wet rainy season and in Europe it is summer times. The other seasons we get rain - mostly there are complaint for the rain to stop. lol

As we are not accustomed to such long periods of high temperature - the storm cooled things off for a bit.

Alright enjoy your weather

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Thank you @melinda010100 - I learn something new daily.

Today it is very hot here in Pakistan and all of us are waiting for the rain as best we can. These trees are looking very beautiful. By going to such a place, human beings are giving a lot of natural things. Feels relaxed. Clouds looks so beautiful.

Thank you @djbravo. I hope the rains came in your area.
Yes give gives back so much - it is aesthetically pleasing to the eyes and like you said it makes us relax - all positive energy.

Most welcome dear.