Espinas de acacia / Acacia thorns

in Amazing Nature2 years ago


Durante una fresca ruta bordeando el granadino río Genil, quise bajar a la orilla por un pequeño sendero para poder disfrutar del paso del agua que tras las nevadas y el deshielo de Sierra Nevada corre con fuerza.

During a fresh route bordering the Genil river in Granada, I wanted to go down to the shore by a small path to enjoy the passage of water that after the snowfall and thaw of Sierra Nevada runs with force.


A través de una vereda poco transitada, varios árboles se encontraban en a mitad del camino. No eran buenos ejemplares para amortiguar la caída y mucho menos para buscar apoyo o soporte en ellos durante la bajada. Mi primera reacción fue agarrarme a ellos, lo cual me alegra enormemente no haber hecho.

Through a little-traveled path, several trees were in the middle of the road. They were not good specimens to cushion the fall and much less to seek support or support in them during the descent. My first reaction was to grab hold of them, which I am very glad I did not do.


Son ejemplares de acacia, asilvestrados ya que no son naturales de la zona. Es realmente sorprendente la capacidad que tienen las plantas, a las que no consideramos inteligentes, de crear este tipo de adaptacione para protegerse del diente de los hervívoros.

They are acacia specimens, feral as they are not natural to the area. It is really amazing the ability of plants, which we do not consider intelligent, to create this kind of adaptations to protect themselves from the teeth of herbivores.


Espero que os guste, gracias por leerme ¡Salud y Medioambiente!
Fotos de autoría propia

I hope you like it, thanks for reading Health and Environment!
Photos of my own authorship

 2 years ago  

We appreciate your work and your post has been manually curated by @redheadpei on behalf of Amazing Nature Community. It will be added to the weekly botany curation post. Keep up the good work!
