A squirrel child who fell from the roof // Amazing Nature Contest: Thematic Challenge - #4/11/21. En / Ua

in Amazing Nature2 years ago (edited)



In May of this year, this little squirrel really fell from the roof of our house! And so we heard a strange scream and saw a cat running after him. Our grandfather went and grabbed him by the arms, rescuing him from the cat! What to do with it now?




Squirrels from the forest often came to us in the yard, and gave birth to children under our roof. Apparently they were so calm, because there is more danger in the forest. Later we saw a squirrel carrying its children somewhere in its teeth ...




But this time everything was different. Mom did not come for the baby. Darinka put the squirrel in a cage, poured her nuts. She tried to get out through the rods. Later our cat came to meet her :)




В травні цього року це мале білченя справді впало з даху нашого будинку! І ось ми почули дивний крик і побачили, як кіт біжить за ним. Наш дідусь пішов і вхопив його на руки, врятувавши від кішки! Що робити з ним тепер? Білки з лісу часто приходили до нас на подвіря, і народжували під нашим дахом дітей. Мабуть їм так було спокійно, тому що в лісі більше небезпеки. Пізніше ми бачили, як білка несе в зубах своїх дітей кудись... Але цього разу все було по іншому. Мама не приходила за малюком. Даринка посадила білку в клітку, насипала їй горіхів. Вона намагалась вилізти через прути.
Пізніше наш кіт прийшов познайомитись з нею :)



We took her in our arms and noticed that she likes to sleep on our feet. The squirrel started to trust us, she ate nuts and apples and climbed Darinka like a tree, climbing on her head :)

Ми брали її на руки і помітили, що вона любить спати на наших ногах. Білка почала довіряти нам, вона їла горішки та яблука і лазила по Даринці, наче по дереву, залізаючи їй на голову :)




Later, she got used to us, ran around the room and did not even run away when the door was open. One day her mother came to us on the balcony and started calling a little squirrel. But she stayed with us and so a week passed ...

Пізніше вона звикла до нас, бігала по кімнаті і навіть не тікала, коли були відкриті двері. Одного разу прийшла її мама до нас на балкон і почала кликати малу білку. Але вона залишилась з нами і так минув тиждень...



The funniest thing was when the squirrel climbed under the belly of our cat when he slept and slept there, basking in his fur))) That's how they slept together!

Найсмішніше було тоді, коли білка залізала під живіт нашого кота коли він спав і спала там, гріючись в його шерсті ))) Ось так вони спали вдвох!



And then suddenly our squirrel disappeared. She must have grown up and returned to her siblings, who lived under the roof of our house.
But one day an amazing story happened! We sat in the yard at a table under a walnut tree, had lunch. We saw five squirrels that were on a tree above us. They came down to our table, climbed into our arms. So they stayed with us for a few minutes, as if saying goodbye. And we never saw them again. They returned to the forest.

А потім раптом наша білка зникла. Мабуть вона підросла і повернулась до своїх братів та сестер, які жили під дахом нашого будинку.
Але одного разу відбулась дивовижна історія! Ми сиділи на подвір'ї за столом під горіховим деревом, обідали. Ми побачили пять білок, які були на дереві над нами. Вони спустились на наш стіл, залізли нам на руки. Так побули з нами кілька хвилин, наче прощаючись. І більше ми їх не бачили. Вони повернулися в ліс.




That squirrel is so cute, she felt comfortable in the home for a while but I think she left the home because they are born to stay wild. I guess because of their character, she left but at least she came back with her siblings for a while to say goodbye. Such a heart-touching story...

It's really touching. We will remember this sweet adventure when our grandfather was with us!


Such a sweet and cute story. Here we have squirrel with black strips on body. Animals bond are also very special and touching and sure she will come again to you to meet as you guys take care her well.

We would be happy to meet her again :)

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what a wonderful heart warming story @olga.maslievich , It is good to see you still have red squirrels, most of them have disappeared in The Uk, and replaced by the invasive grey variety. i loved this

Yes, we can enjoy these beautiful creatures in Ukraine. They come to the parks and take the nuts of my hands! Thank you for the good comment :)

 2 years ago  

Thank you for entering the competition.
A beautiful story about meeting a "wild" squirrel.
It went back to where it belongs and that's the best ending to the story :-).


I agree. It was a wonderful adventure in our lives with a happy ending :)

 2 years ago  


Яка зворушлива історія. А я ніколи не тримала білок у руках)

Such a lovely squirrel. It's amazing how well has the cat reacted to squirrel's presence. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story, @olga.maslievich.

Yes, I was also surprised by this :) I'm glad you liked our story , @zorank!

How beautiful ... I felt they would come back in gratitude, and they did ... sometimes I think we humans need the reminder ... thank you for sharing this!