Amazing Nature Contest: Thematic Challenge - # 2/3/21. Rambusa is a natural herbal medicine !

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

Amazing Nature Contest: Thematic Challenge - # 2/3/21 led by @bucipuci Amazing Nature.


Allegedly from South America, deer
now live wild in many places. This plant is usually found mixed with other herbs and shrubs in gardens, moor, dry rice fields, on the sand of beaches, roadsides, forest edges and parts of the forest that are exposed to the hot sun. In the past, deer were grown for their fruit, which is sweet and has a lot of juice when ripe. Kids love it. It's just that, the young fruit is poisonous. Rambusa is also grown as a hedge and ground cover crop, to protect the soil from excessive erosion. The young shoots are sometimes used as a vegetable.

This rambusa(deer) fruit or leaf, in the territory of Indonesia is very well known by the general public, therefore this wild plant or weed, if in Indonesia, is used as a healing medicine for nearsighted or farsighted eyesight. Most of these herbs are weeds to us but they have quite a few benefits for eye health.


Look at the flesh content of the young rambusa fruit, if the fruit is ripe, the skin is yellow with flesh filling like passion fruit and sweetness. Not only adults who love this rambusa fruit, children are also very fond of it.







We can call rambus fruit by the name of forest rambutan, therefore they have similarities with rambutan fruit with a sweet taste, birds also like this rambutan fruit, the life of this rambusa tree is just like the weeds that creep on every dry tree branch. As a member of the community, he cultivates this plant as a traditional village medicine that can cure eye diseases.

Rambusa leaves can also be processed into regional specialties, therefore this rambusa leaf is an additional vegetable stock for dinner dishes with the family, in addition to being medicated as well as high protein, very good for our health.

Original content

 3 years ago  

Unfortunately, I noticed your article late. I was missing a link to your article in the original challenge.

When evaluating, I will include your article in an honorable mention.


Thank you for your appreciation! :)

 3 years ago  

It's my pleasure :-)