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RE: Some Spring season life!

Oh okay, so you are not in trouble which is very good Hannes,

Hope that you enjoyed the ride and got some photos.

Yeah, 3 meters away will mean that you guys will have to sleep with nose plugs hahaha.
So sadly your insects will stay small and skinny hahaha

Thank you and tomorrow we will have more cloud, so I will go the beach to get the sunset.

Right on and thank you for the comments my friend.
Oh! @galenkp asked if we could mention 2 friends that he can look at and I mentioned you and JJ.

We hope that you guys will have a good sleep and a good weekend.

Good night and thanks!


Oh no, I'm not in trouble 😉

Nice ride but no photo. I have the camera always with me, but when I only ride for fun in the afternoon I seldom see anything but the road 😉

We didn't have clouds this morning, just some morning mist and they say it's going to be a hot late summer day.



I think Galen knows us, but thank you Zac 😁

Cheers and !BEER

Wow and wow again Hannes,

These two photos are great indeed, prize winning photos methinks.
Glad that you will have a great day.

I don't know, as Galen said that he will check you guys out!

Let's hope that something good comes out of it for you guys.

Cheers and thanks!

Oh no, these are just smartphone photos. There was not much to see, but the colours have been very intense.

Thank you Zac 😁

Cheers and !BEER

Wow! You take photos like that with a smartphone?
Maybe I must save up and get a smart phone hahaha.

My pleasure Hannes!

Cheers and thanks!

And a quick edit with an app 😉
My phone doesn't take that good photos, but with the help of Lightroom or some other app they become quite okay 😊

Cheers and !BEER

Ah, so that's what you done as I was surprised that a phone could take a shot like that.
You added a bit of the mountain goat's magical touch lol.

Cheers and thanks!

My phone is a few years old and has not the best camera, but there are phones nowadays which are better than many expensive cameras 😀
The magic was done by the SnapSeed app 😉

Cheers and !BEER

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