Little workers

in Amazing Naturelast year

My last nature getaway was around one month ago. In the middle of Spring, the perfect timing: flowers and bushes blooming everywhere! And by the rosemary, these little ones were minding their business, doing the work we normally ignore, but can't live without.


It seems I see bees less and less often, so it's always a joy when I see them. Not that I'm an insects fan, but the work they do is crucial to our world. Most people just associate them with honey, but that is just a tiny fraction of their contribution to the planet.


I do LOVE honey! But bees also produce bee wax and royal jelly, for instance, all with different applications, even in the medical field. And appart from all that, their main work?



Most of pollination is done by insects, and bees are the most important pollinators of them all. Without bees, a lot of species from our flora would be doomed to disappear! The growing use of pesticides and pollution has taken a huge toll in bees population worldwide; so that's why you see me happy when I can spot them.


I did some research, and found out that in Portugal alone, there are over 700 different bee species!! This seems to be the most common and widespread one: the european honey bee, Apis mellifera; but do correct me if I'm wrong!

Fortunately I had brought my decent camera with me, and they didn't seemed that disturbed with my presence, so I was able to get pretty close for these shots.



If you have a garden, plant some aromatics, and try not to use harmful chemicals; the bees will thank you! 🙂


Hive divider by doze.gif

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Some great pictures of bees doing their thing. The #1 pollinator out there, but yet big agricultural farmers continue to ignore the havoc they spread with their poisons that harm more than the bees. You would think that with people being at the top of the food chain, we'd be smart enough not to poison ourselves.

Unfortunately, I think humanity overall is regressing in terms of intelligence and respect for the environment. Hope to be proven wrong in the future, let's just hope it's not too late!

Andas claramente à procura do mel! Ahaha Parabéns por mais uma publicação de qualidade, mestre!

Sempre! Se é docinho, venha ele. ;) !BEER

Hey @xrayman, here is a little bit of BEER from @pardinus for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

We are obsessed with bees. We have some new fruit trees and started a new garden. The bees have been a little slow finding them but they do eventually show up 🙂 We were even pollinating some of the plants ourselves lol by moving flowers around and matching male and female flowers. Great pics btw 👍

It's such an underrated creature. I was missing seeing them in good numbers!

We were even pollinating some of the plants ourselves lol by moving flowers around and matching male and female flowers.


Hello @pardinus!

thanks for sharing
We appreciate your work and your post was manually curated by @none! from the DNA team!

Reach us on Discord to learn more about the project!

Thanks guys!

You have amazing pictures in your publication.
The bees are all the time over my backyard's yellow plants.

The bees are all the time over my backyard's yellow plants.

That's good to know; thanks for the visit! !PIZZA

I guess you love bees very much
I love them too but I'm always scared of them. I've scared of being stinged

They're normally harmless, just let them do their thing! :)



$PIZZA slices delivered:
@pardinus(1/5) tipped @oadissin