Romantic butterfly

in Amazing Nature2 years ago


Hello Hivers

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the butterfly army, of course it doesn't have beauty, but this time it's a little different, not only the beauty that I will share, but also the romantic moments of the little butterflies that I met





The rainy season is the right time to mate, don't ask me which is the male and which is the female, I really don't know about it, even google often says what it wants when I want to find out about it, maybe if any of you do know how to tell the difference, I'd be more than happy for that valuable comment

While I was taking pictures, this is the second time I have found a pair of butterflies making out, but previously it was a yellow butterfly, and the size is slightly larger than this one, although both have beauty, there are also many visible differences. , both from the shape of the wings and the color





I had a little trouble shooting them because they were stuck in a position that was difficult to shoot, I even repeatedly flipped my cellphone camera and the results were the same, it was too difficult to fit them into one picture, even though I had set the smallest size, it still went wrong one of them is invisible, sometimes the eyes, sometimes also the wings 😅, but I don't give up until there, I still follow them wherever they land





They looked at me with embarrassed looks, but didn't want to let go of their tight hug, and seemed to say, 'don't bother us', yes I know you say that, I won't disturb, just peek a little😅

The place they chose was also beautiful, they could really choose a romantic place for their honeymoon, no matter day or night




This time their position is even more strange, how can they spin around like that, but their eyes are still the same, even though the one who should be ashamed here is me, not them, I don't have anyone for romantic moments🤣

Now, of all the pictures that I share, this is the best result I got from many photos, yes, that's the work of an amateur like me, and one thing is certain for all of that, I struggle to do all of this, and a little advice from you guys will help. very meaningful

That's all for now, thank you and see you soon

Note: I took all the pictures with a smartphone camera + macro lens and edited them with PicsArt

Happy weekend 🙏


You've managed to take some pretty good shots here. I personally feel quite embarrassed when I spy such intimate activities of animals. But I also take pictures when I see them, I confess. 😄
Again, I really like your amazing sense of humor. And I think I've even seen such butterflies in my part of the world, which is the most incredible thing of all.

Thanks for the compliment 🙏,

Of course I also feel ashamed of myself too, but it's a pity to just miss a moment like this😁

Yeah, I know the feeling 😎 It's called "passionate about photography" 😊


Happy weekend to you🙏

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