Beautiful White Bougenville!

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

Hello Flower Lovers! This time I want to show white bougainvillea flowers with green leaves to all of my friends. This flower is one of the most popular flowers in Indonesia. This flower is very easy to find either planted personally to beautify the home garden or planted in large pots to rule the office yard, be it a private or government office.

One of the attractions of this bougainvillea flower or paper flower is that it has a very wide variety of colors ranging from white, yellow, orange, purple, and several other color combinations. In addition, this paper flower or bougenville is not a spoiled flower. This flower is one of the flowers that is resistant to all weather so that government and private offices prefer this flower because it is easy to care for but has very beautiful color variations.

While walking through the courtyard of a government office I took several shots of this white nougenville flower with green leaves.




Hopefully it will provide a certain aesthetic value for all of you.

Love, Seha76!