Moon Orchid (Phalaenopsis Amabilis) [ENG/ESP]

in Amazing Nature2 years ago


Hello friends of Hive! Today I will show you one of the plants that I have at home, this is the Moon Orchid, and I will tell you a little about its care.

Orchids are flowers that occur in various parts of the world, therefore there are many variations. In the case of the moon orchid or Phalaenopsis amabilis, it is native to Asia.

Hola amigos de Hive! El día de hoy les mostraré una de las plantas que tengo en casa, esta es la Orquídea Luna y les contaré un poco sobre su cuidado.

Las orquídeas son unas flores que se dan en varias partes del mundo, por lo tanto hay muchas variaciones. En el caso de la orquídea luna ó Phalaenopsis amabilis, es originaria de Asia.


The care of this plant is really simple, it is not a delicate plant that only lives in a specific condition. These orchids can be kept inside the house, near a light entrance. In my case I have them in the window but I moved them to be able to take the pictures. That is why they are curved to one side, because they move towards where the light is. If it were in a nursery, its shape would be more vertical since in nurseries the light enters from the ceiling.

Los cuidados de ésta plante son realmente sencillos, no es una planta delicada que sólo vive en una condición específica. Estas orquídeas se pueden tener dentro de casa, cerca de una entrada de luz. En mi caso las tengo en la ventana pero las moví para poder tomarle las fotografías. Por eso están curveadas hacia un lado, porque se mueven hacia donde está la luz., si estuviese en un vivero, su forma fuese más vertical ya que en los viveros la entrada de luz es desde el techo.


Another important thing for its care is environmental humidity. Normally, being inside a house or apartment, the environment is drier, so we must be aware. For this, the most suitable thing is to use an atomizer to moisten its leaves, by doing this we guarantee that our plant is healthy and flourishes. An indicator that serves as a reference to know if our plant is hydrated enough is to look at its roots, they should always be green.

Otra cosa importante para su cuidado es la humedad ambiental. Normalmente al estar dentro de una casa o departamento, el ambiente es más seco, por lo cual debemos estar pendientes. Para esto lo más idóneo es usar un atomizador para humedecer sus hojas, al hacer esto garantizamos que nuestra planta esté saludable y florezca. Un indicador que nos sirve de referencia para saber si nuestra planta está hidratada lo suficiente, es fijarnos de sus raíces, estas deberán estar verdes siempre.


I like this species of plant for its color and because its flowers are fleshy, they are not as delicate as others. Besides, I would love to be able to cultivate another species of orchid, which is the Cattleya mossiae, since this orchid is the national flower of my country, Venezuela. I hope you liked my post and tell me if you also have orchids and which species, greetings!.😊

Me gusta esta especie de planta por su color y porque sus flores son carnosas, no son tan delicadas como otras. Aparte me encantaría poder llegar a cultivar otra especie de orquídea que es la Cattleya mossiae, ya que esa orquídea es la flor nacional de mi país, Venezuela. Espero les haya gustado mi post y coméntenme si también tienen orquídeas y cual especie, saludos!.😊




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Your Phal seems very happy and content in your home. Thanks for sharing it's beauty with us! I just can't seem to get enough of those Orchid photos 😁 Enjoy those pretty flowers 😊

I'll cross post in the Orchid Lovers Community. Feel free to cross post to the Orchid Lovers Community if you post about Orchids again. It's allowed and those who love Orchids will be grateful. Have a nice Wednesday!

The plant is beautiful and well nutured. Well done. I do not have one but I could see that this has been well grown by a caring hand. Kudos

yes,is growing very pretty😀🌸

Your Moon Orchid is looking healthy and beautiful :) For sure they will look even more gorgeous when those other buds open up :) Found my way here thru #Dreemport

That is a beautiful orchid! Also, it makes me think of a child when you said it was moving towards the light. Lol. It is living afterall. Hehehe.

I never knew it was a native of Asia. But now I do. All thanks to you. If I ever decided to "raise" flowers, I'll hit you up. You seem to know your way. Hehehe.


Yes, this type of orchid occurs from Malaysia to Australia. He's come a long way haha

I didn't know that there is some plant other than sunflower that changes its direction due to light.

The leaves are appearing like an insect. The description of flower tells that you are so fond and knowledgeable about plants.

Found my way to this refreshing post via @dreemport

I love orchids and yours really looks beautiful. Saludos!

I got here via dreemport

I do not have any orchids @suncooper, we have stargazer lillies, and they are all magnificent, those orchids are absolutely stunning.
This post was obtained through Dreemport.