Bees, Bunnies, and Butterflies - by Sunscape

in Amazing Nature10 months ago


This week the gardens are alive with birds, bees, bunnies, and butterflies. There are so many creatures flitting here and there that it is hard to put the camera down. Enjoy all the little visitors I have captured for you to enjoy seeing.


The lovely Swallowtail butterflies are everywhere enjoying the nectar from the flowers.


They really enjoy visiting each of the Zinnia flowers in the butterfly garden.




Now, that the Monarchs have arrived I can photograph them too. I started gathering their eggs from the milkweed plants and have collected about a dozen so far. Ten of them have already hatched and I will do a separate post on them soon.



A few of the different varieties of bees have also been enjoying the flowers from the milkweed this week.



This Sunflower came up as a volunteer from a seed that dropped from the birdfeeder. It is just stunning and the bees are really enjoying feasting on it too.


Unfortunately, these white cabbage moths are prolific this summer. They have laid a lot of eggs on my Brussels sprouts and cabbage plants. Now, the leaves are full of holes but the sparrows seem to be catching some of them to feed the babies.


The bunnies have had a batch of babies and I often see the little ones running along the edge of the woods. I have a lot of clover on my lawn that they seem to enjoy.


Lastly, the birds are enjoying taking baths in the pond which is always fun to watch. This Robin comes all the time to drink and take a quick dunk.

I found its nest in my Kousa Dogwood tree and can see him watching over the nest as his mate cares for the young ones. He is not too fond of me trying to weed the garden underneath the tree and he gets a little vocal with me. So, I have to wait patiently for the babies to leave the nest before that garden gets a good cleaning, lol.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

3- sun smile.jpg


Yes, the cabbage butterflies are wrecking havok on the brassicas here. I suspect it's due to the heavy rains that have most likely leached all the nutrients out of the soil. That has weakened the brassicas making them fair game for the caterpillars.

Your zinnias are stunning! And I can't wait to see your post on the monarch eggs!

That is probably true about the brassicas. Mine are full of holes and I will probably start picking them early. I will do the monarch caterpillars soon. I have to edit a lot of photos first. Have a great day.

Lovely photos! Your garden is fantastic and all the insects just love it! 😂

Thanks @kaminchan I always appreciate your comments and thank you for the reblog.

I wish I could visited your garden in my dream!

Teehee, you do visit my gardens every time I make a post for you to see.

Hello @sunscape!

nice post
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