Cooper's Hawk Visits the Bird Feeder - by Sunscape

in Amazing Naturelast year


While making bread this morning I looked up and was amazed to see this juvenile "Cooper's Hawk" sitting outside the kitchen window. I have a small Hemlock tree planted next to my little pond and the sparrows love to fly in and out of it for safety when they feel threatened. It sits probably 10' from my birdfeeder and I am sure the hawk is well aware that breakfast is nearby.


Sitting atop the Hemlock branches the juvenile is surveying the surrounding area. I am sure that all the resident sparrows know that it is there and will not be coming for seed anytime soon. Apparently, according to the link I post at the end of this article, a plethora of food varieties that the hawk enjoys love to visit my yard and feeder.


It was hard trying to decide on what pictures to share with you today as I took many while she sat there for a long time waiting for a morsel. She is actually looking straight at me as I take photos through the window. Interesting that she is not even bothered by my being there.


She finally moved out from trying to hide in the branches to look over the edge to see what was happening below. Then immediately went deep inside the tree and sat on a dead branch hiding from the birds.


She sat under the tree for quite some time before climbing back to the top when she decided to fly up to the birdhouse that sits on the post above the Hemlock.


I was surprised that I actually caught her taking off even if the photo came out blurry I was pleased to have it. Seeing the underside of her wings and tail feathers really helped me to determine which variety of hawk she was. At first, I thought it was a "Sharp-shinned Hawk" but after researching the different websites I knew she was a "Cooper's Hawk".


Sitting on top of the sparrow house looking at the Forsythia bushes on the side of my house. This is another favorite hiding spot for the sparrows to get to really quickly. She flew in that direction so I have a feeling she spotted or heard them there.
Below is a link to some great information on the hawk which I think you may enjoy. Happy Bird Watching my friends.
Cooper's Hawk

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

3- sun smile.jpg


Beautiful hawk 🙂 Cooper's hawks were quite common when I lived in California but I don't see as many hawks here in Vermont. Although I did see a sharp-shinned hawk ummm feeding at my bird feeder last summer. Great captures 👍

Thank you, Steven I was so excited to see her sitting there so close to my window. I was not sure if it was a Sharp-shinned hawk or Cooper's hawk, but, I am sure I identified her correctly. Hope you get to see many hawks in Vermont.

What a beautiful "Cooper's Hawk" I loved its funny shapes in the plumage, definitely the bird appreciated the perfect moment to be photographed, maybe its time to be famous. 🙂

Well, she is famous now that she is on the web!!! It is indeed a beautiful bird for sure.

A fierce and beautiful creature. I thought it was going for your bird feeder. But I remember that Hawks are hunters. 😅

She was definitely going for the sparrows that feed on the seed.

We have lots of red tails here and built the chicken pens accordingly. But every now and then a Cooper's shows up and the protections weren't sufficient. So we altered the tops to keep them out.

On one migration, we had a half grown one that hung around because it could get through the protection. We had to lock the hens in the coop for 3 days. They weren't happy... It finally moved on.

You got some really nice shots of yours! Cool the flight one came out as well as it did!

Oh wow, it is a good thing the chickens made it through all the ordeals with the hawks. They are persistant once they find a nice and easy food source. I know that they get my sparrows and tit mouse from time to time as we find the feathers. Thank you for all your support and wonderful interactions.

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Thank you so much, I really appreciate the support team.

Hello @sunscape!

amazing post
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Hi @sunscape! It is a beautiful bird

Thank you very much @tianene