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RE: Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 188

in Amazing Nature8 months ago

Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 188


A walk in the forest in Deliblatka peščara, this afternoon was an adventure to get up... The road, which normally has no grass, this time was full of partially dry grass... Which scratched my bare legs, because I was in a shorter tracksuit, not expecting this much grass... The road is already full of sand 🤭
Along the way, the dry pods of wild tobacco partially opened... And this one shone in the sunlight, which managed to break through the pine forest...

Excellent photo as a choice for this round 🙂

Greetings from Banat, Serbia. 🌸


Wow! I actually needed to take a very close look at this picture to find out what´s happening there :D Very interesting entry, thank you! Greetings to Serbia!

Thank you so much @phortun 🌸

Hehehe...that's right 😁

Greetigs ☀️