Garden & Buzzing Of Bees| World Bee 🐝 Day

in Amazing Nature25 days ago (edited)

Greetings to all nature lover!
We all are part of nature. Nature belongs to us and we all belong to nature. It's two way process but we humans have neglected nature and now ruining it.

World Bee Day

Today is World Bee Day. We are celebrating this day to spread awareness about importance of bees, specially honey bees which are natural pollinator on this Earth.

Today, I went to my university garden to see and observe natural beauty but in this scorching heat everything is wilting and dying. The most alarming thing was that there was no honey bee. I think presence of honey bees is strongly linked to intensity of sunlight. As these days, heat waves are becoming stronger so it is affecting the lifestyle of bees too.

Honey bees have continued to inspire and fascinate mankind since time immemorable. Honey bees are symbol of hard work and industrial work routine as they always remain busy in making honey .

Way of living of these honey bees is also attractive like they all live in joint system. They have a proper system for living as they have monarch system where they obey their Queen. They all live together in their hives.

Flies Flower To Flower & Pollination

Honey bees are natural pollinator which fly from one flower to another, collecting nectar from one flower and then taking flight to another flower. They sit on one flower and pollen clings to on different parts of bee. When to fly from that particular flower then these pollen falls and in this way the become vector of pollination.

Honey bees take pollen from anther of male flower and then they pass these pollens on stigma of female flower. In this way they help flowers to transform into fruit and fruit will turn into seeds. This beautiful life cycle is designed by nature and without honey bees this cycle will disturb and Pollination will face downfall which is actually an issue of recent times.

I was reading about bees and it was fascinating to note that studies narrate; a honeybee easily visits 50 to 100 flowers in a single day. Isn't it fascinating and even these flights can jump to whooping 1500 flowers in a productive day of bee. It's just one bee, just imagine million of bees who are working together to make honey.

How to attract honey bees?

I think we all should start this initiative to attract honey bees as their number is highly declining.

  • Find a spare space at your home. Make a little garden and grow species of flower known to attract honey bees.
  • We all have observed this that honey bees are more attracted to fruit trees as they have to collect nectar for honey. So, planting a fruit tree will be more fruitful.
  • Researches showed that bees have preference for certain colors. These certain colors are actually blue, yellow and white. So, prioritize these color flower plants in your garden.
  • Be a part of this initiative to attract honey bees.

Honey, Nutritious and Nourishing

Honey is, no doubt, full of nutrients and it's nourishing food. Moreover it is considered as cure or relief for different ailments and diseases. Even it's part of many medicines and it is proved curable for cough. We all use it in our household and daily life routine. It's all thanks to industrious life of honey bees as this honey is outcome of collective and joined efforts of all those bees.

Bees and Life

Buzzing of bees is important for life. As long as we are observing and listening to the buzzing of bees we are alive. But, in recent times it is observed that the number of bees is steadily declining. The honey bees are becoming prey of pesticides. Along with pesticides, humans also contributed a lot in threatening the life of bees. This all global warming, climate change is all consequence and result of human activities. Bees themselves are sensitive to many things and their life is in danger.

If bees will not be here then it is evident that plants and trees will not be there to provide us oxygen. Awareness about the use of pesticides and chemicals is necessary. It's ironic that today was world bee Day but there were only few who know that it's world bee day and only few have understanding for importance of bees.

For the life of flowers and plants- the life of bees is necessary and these all lives are linked to us. This cycle should not affected.

Pollination Friendly Environment

We all can contribute to make our environment pollination friendly environment where these all bees can live freely without the danger of chemical and pesticides. We just have to adopt few things in our gardening and farming life.

  • As we know that herbicides and pesticides are threat to bees. At first, we should not opt these herbicides or pesticides but if situation force you to use then we should check wether chemical used in particular pesticide or herbicide are organic or not. Do notice all the chemicals used in pesticides.

  • If farmer or gardener has to spray pesticides or herbicides then be mindful that spray at dusk or late evening when bees return to their hives.

Let all bees to live.

Today I went to visit garden and all of these pictures are captured there. Ironically there was no bee to collect nectar. It was due to harsh weather. But, plants and trees were doing pollination with the help of air.

This is my entry to Day 20 of Inleo Writing prompt for May.

See you next 🌸 🌼 💮

𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕤𝕠 𝕞𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕓𝕪.

every picture belongs to me

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Lovely pictures shot you have there, 👍

Thank you so much for appreciating these clicks.

Now I know something about honey bees hehe

It means I am your teacher as you learned from me about bees 😂

funny but you are actually correct yaknow

Lovely photos! The heat has been seriously affecting many things because it is scorching. The bees would definitely be hiding because of this, but I guess if there is a trigger like a strong perfume they would come flying out of their hiding place with fury!

yes... Heat is more like fire ball these days and it's disturbing for every living thing.

Thank you so much sahi for being supportive.

To be honest I was not aware that there is any bee 🐝 day before reading your post.
Well, the shots are Stunning like always.

it means that my blog added information and knowledge to your mind. Hahaha.
Thank you so much for appreciating my clicks.

@tipu curate

Thank you so much magic for always remain supportive to me.