Fifteen Friday Feathered Friends Feeding Frenzy Fotos!

in Amazing Nature2 years ago

Fifteen Friday Feathered Friends Feeding Frenzy Fotos blog thumbnail.png


Okay technically the pictures were taken yesterday, but "Thursday Thoughtless Things-with-feathers Throngs" didn't have the same ring to it. 😂

Why thoughtless? I'll get to that in a moment, but a couple things first.

One, while today's Hive Blog Posting Month daily prompt for Hive Blog Posting Month is...

Visit a market & share at least 5 photos for Market Friday

...I sadly wasn't able to head to my local grocery store as I hoped, to snap some shots for @dswigle's awesome initiative. I'm hopeful I'll be able to do that by next Friday though - fingers crossed!

Second, congrats to everyone who's made it through the first week of Hive Blog Posting Month! If you've missed a day or two here and there, no worries - as I've said to a number of people, this is first and foremost a personal challenge, so please feel free to double up some days so you'll at least end the month with 30 new posts.

Okay, one last thing - one of my unspoken goals of HiveBloPoMo is to get back in the swing of commenting here on the blockchain (instead of Twitter & Discord). One week in, and I'm already wicked far behind! 😳

However, now that the frenzy that is Hive Power Up Day is over until next month, I'm planning to devote the next few days to catching up with everyone. If all goes well, I might even sneak back on to the bottom of the Hive Engagement League list this week - fingers crossed!

Fifteen Friday Feathered Friends Feeding Frenzy Fotos!


1. Fifteen Friday Feathered Friends.jpg1. Okay, first to address the "thoughtless" - Remember when I mentioned I heard the phoebe calling in my latest Wednesday Walk post? Well, this isn't her (this looks to be a pregnant Goldfinch), but I thought that if I put some bird seed in my super-neglected feeders, that maybe she's pop by and I could get a picture of her. Didn't see a single bird at the feeders all day Wednesday...


2. Fifteen Friday Feathered Friends.jpg2. ...but early Thursday morning, we were woken up multiple times by the sound of birds bouncing off our bedroom windows and fighting over the food! Talk about ruffling my feathers! 😂


3. Fifteen Friday Feathered Friends.jpg3. By late morning, they'd gotten back into the swing of taking turns grabbing bites to eat. Like this Tufted Titmouse, grabbing a sunflower seed at one feeder...


4. Fifteen Friday Feathered Friends.jpg4. ...while this male Goldfinch got his sunflower seed from the other.


5. Fifteen Friday Feathered Friends.jpg5. See how polite they are?


6. Fifteen Friday Feathered Friends.jpg6. Okay, polite didn't last very


7. Fifteen Friday Feathered Friends.jpg7. But everyone eventually gets a turn.


8. Fifteen Friday Feathered Friends.jpg8. One Goldfinch watching the drama, while the other finch is watching me watching them. 😊


9. Fifteen Friday Feathered Friends.jpg9. Nice of them to pose so pretty.


10. Fifteen Friday Feathered Friends.jpg10. Then it was back to drama again - the Goldfinches might be one of the prettier birds at the feeders, but they're also the feistiest!


11. Fifteen Friday Feathered Friends.jpg11. Ordinarily I wouldn't include such a blurry shot (although I'm now realizing my second shot wasn't really in focus either), but I thought the angry look on that one finch's face as he yelled at the other two, made it


12. Fifteen Friday Feathered Friends.jpg12. Every now and then, things were quiet enough to get a good close up (and focused) shot.


13. Fifteen Friday Feathered Friends.jpg13. And apparently my feathered friends need to get used to seeing me at the window with my camera again!


14. Fifteen Friday Feathered Friends.jpg14. This little Black-capped Chickadee might not be very feisty, but he's very fast, and it was a challenge to get a clear shot of him. I only managed two - this one where he's perched on the same bush I mentioned in my aforementioned Wednesday Walk post...


15. Fifteen Friday Feathered Friends.jpg15. ...and this one, where he sweetly struck a pose for me on the bird feeder's shepherd's hook.


And after going through and editing the above shots last night, it occurred to me that the pictures really didn't give the full feeling of the feeding frenzy. So earlier this morning I grabbed a short, silent (I stripped out the sound because all you could hear is the sound of our space heater, and the last bits of the rain dripping off the roof, which was annoying) video of day two at the feeders. Oh, and no early morning knocks on the window today, which was nice.



Happy Friday, everyone!


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My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva
GIFs either found on or created by using Giphy, Tenor and ezGIF.

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which...



The captures of the birds are really lovely

So awesome,
We will never know that all around us there are many beautiful birds roaming around if someone does not aim their camera at them.

Thank you @traciyork, you have brought them so well into the midst of all of us and we can see them up close without fear of losing them.

Are they wild birds? The colours of them are ao beautiful. I wish they lived around my house too.

Yes, they are wild birds @videoaddiction. The song birds are just now coming back after wintering somewhere warmer, so hoping to share a bigger variety over the next few months. ❤️🐤

Glad to see these photos you share, very beautiful style of the bird, you are also very good at this, I have to learn from your way. 🤗🤗

Beautiful photos. I love the blurry one, the angry guy looks like he's wearing sunglasses and having a nice chill feed 😀 The other one looks ready to dive bomb.

Fifteen Friday Feathered Friends Feeding Frenzy Fotos!

With a title like that this became a "must read" post.

Pic #13 cracked me up. "What you looking at?!"

LOL! Yeah, I think this is probably one of the most ridiculously alliterative titles I've ever done.

Hello @traciyork!

beautiful photographs!
We appreciate your work and your post was manually curated by @none! from the DNA team!

Reach us on Discord to learn more about the project!

We appreciate your work and your post has been manually curated by zoology team (oscurity,nelinoeva) on behalf of Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!

What a beautiful repertoire of birds, thanks for sharing it!

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 100 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

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