Incredible Nature Contest - October 2020 - # 03 🏞️ Concurso de Naturaleza Increíble - Octubre 2020 - # 03

in Amazing Nature4 years ago


This is my entry for the Amazing Nature Contest hosted by @adalger.

This is my entry for the Amazing Nature Contest hosted by @adalger.

It is not talking about the strangeness of nature but the amazement that simple things that happen at any time, in any place and that are part of everyday life but they escape from our eyes and our attention because we are embedded in the routine, all of us We have our goals and it is good that we reach it but we allow ourselves to be totally absorbed by the lifestyle that man has created in the city, where everything is previously elaborated but which also means a loss because we are increasingly strangers to wildlife.

No es hablar de lo extraño de la naturaleza sino del asombro que produce las cosas sencillas que ocurren en cualquier momento en cualquier lugar y que forma parte de la cotidianidad pero se escapan de nuestros ojos y nuestra atención porque estamos embutidos en la rutina, todos tenemos nuestras metas y es bueno que lleguemos a ella pero no dejamos absorbe totalmente por el estilo de vida que el hombre ha creado en la ciudad, donde todo está previamente elaborado pero que también significa una pérdida porque cada vez somos más extraño a la vida silvestre.


Even in the same city in the few green spaces that we have in it, if we train our eye and have a camera always ready we can appreciate and immortalize in a snapshot images that are full of amazing little wonders, for example the occasion of a recently finished rain and an insect that perches on a leaf that is taking the courage to fly after the shower. This moment becomes a harmonious composition of colors and shapes that amazes and satisfies.


Aún en la misma ciudad en los pocos espacios verdes que tenemos en ella, si entrenamos el ojo y disponemos una cámara siempre lista podemos apreciar y eternizar en una instantánea imágenes que están llenas de pequeña maravillas asombrosas, por ejemplo la ocasión de una lluvia recién terminada y un insecto que se posa en una hoja que está tomando ánimo para echar a volar después del chubasco. Este instante se convierte en una composición armoniosa de colores y formas que asombra y satisface.


The trees for their part do not stop, today as perhaps during the last million years that flowering plants appeared, each year they squander enormous amounts of beauty in bloom without skimping, although the end result is a few trees that achieve that spectacular beauty and waste of colors that harmonizes and that does not stop providing a sincere admiration.

Los árboles por su parte no se detiene, hoy como tal vez durante los últimos millones de años que aparecieron los plantas con flores, cada año derrochan cantidades enormes de belleza en flor sin escatimar, aunque el resultado final sea unos pocos árboles que logren esa espectacular belleza y derroche de colores que armonisa y que no deja de brindar una sincera admiración.





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Created by @derangedvisions

 4 years ago  

how are you dear friend @truelovemom good afternoon
I loved your post, what beautiful pictures you show us, you can appreciate the freshness of the place, I appreciate very much that you have given us all this information
have a wonderful night

Tiny lady bug to large blooms on trees, yes sadly some walk beneath and never see the beauty nature offers @truelovemom

Flowering tree looks similar one I saw up our North coast their blooms are so big and needless to say beautiful, one can only imagine the sunbirds, bees and other living organisms that make up an environment just on one tree!