[Es-En]Tutorial Lazo Estilo Porrista DIY Cheerleader Bow Style

in NeedleWorkMonday5 months ago


Mis queridos hivers y amantes de las puntadas, espero Febrero les esté tratando de maravilla. Por acá seguimos produciendo moda coquette con tendencia deportista, pues el tutorial de hoy es de un moño lazo tipo porrista, yo tampoco sabía que el lazo individual de esta oportunidad se llamaba así.

My dear hivers and stitch lovers, I hope February is treating you wonderfully. Over here we continue producing flirty fashion with a sporty tendency, today's tutorial is for a cheerleader type bow tie, I didn't know that the individual bow tie of this opportunity was called like that either.


Este lazo es bastante simple y un poco más simple de hacer, vamos manos a la tela, pero primero los materiales: 70 cm por 15 cm de ancho, hilo, aguja, alfileres, máquina de coser o a mano, tijeras y la base del lazo, puede ser una hebilla, pinza o scrunchie. Este lazo puedes hacerlo también solo con silicona caliente.

This bow is quite simple and a little simpler to make, let's hands to the fabric, but first the materials: 70 cm by 15 cm wide, thread, needle, pins, sewing machine or by hand, scissors and the base of the bow, it can be a buckle, clip or scrunchie. This bow can also be made with hot silicone.


Lo primero que vamos hacer es enfrentar los derechos de la tela y coser por todo el borde, dejando una abertura por el centro tal como indica la imagen, recuerden hacer las puntas diagonales o en curva según su gusto para el lazo. Luego, con ayuda de la tijera le damos vuelta y planchamos, así las costuras se asientan dando un toque más prolijo.

The first thing we are going to do is to face the right sides of the fabric and sew all around the edge, leaving an opening in the center as shown in the picture. Remember to make the ends diagonal or curved according to your taste for the bow. Then, with the help of the scissors, we turn it over and iron it, so the seams will settle giving a neater touch.


Luego, ubicamos el centro y cruzamos la tela tal como se ve en la imagen, cuidando que los extremos queden a la misma altura, cuidando la simetría. Después, por todo el centro con aguja e hilo, vamos frunciendo y uniendo las partes, al final amarramos bien para que quede bien sujeto.

Then, we place the center and cross the fabric as shown in the image, making sure that the ends are at the same height, taking care of the symmetry. Then, through the whole center with needle and thread, we gather and join the parts, at the end we tie well so that it is well fastened.


Con el silicón pegamos el lazo a la hebilla o la pieza que hayas elegido como base, finalmente, cortamos una trozo de tela y lo usamos para decorar el centro del lazo, mientras que a su vez aseguramos la unión de las 2 piezas. Luego, limpiamos los excesos de silicona e hilos, así está listo nuestro lazo porrista.

With the silicone we glue the ribbon to the buckle or the piece you have chosen as a base, finally, we cut a piece of fabric and use it to decorate the center of the ribbon, while at the same time we secure the union of the 2 pieces. Then, we clean the excess silicone and threads, so our cheerleader ribbon is ready.


¿Qué les pareció esta forma de lazo coquette? Me gustó mucho porque realmente se ve deportivo y su uso puede ser para más ocasiones lucir bien, elegante pero bien suave. Las fotos son registro personal editadas en Canva. Gracias hivers, los espero en los comentarios.

What do you think of this another coquette bow shape? I liked it a lot because it really looks sporty and its use can be for more occasions look good, elegant but well soft. The photos are personal record edited in Canva. Thanks hivers, I look forward to seeing you in the comments.





The bow looks so clean. I only make regular bows so this is really a 100/10

Wow. Thanks For your words.🎀

I didn’t know there was something like cheerleader bow
I love how soft the material is and you’re right
It’s really simple to make and I think I can even make it with thread and needle

I didn't either. Hope to see your bow, you must look amazing, it is easy to sew, eve glue you ca use. The fabrinc is silk and satin.

thank you for this bow style steps, I learn something today, time to make my own instead of buying them

Yeeees, i love it. You will look amazing.

 5 months ago  

I love the bow, let me save this page, I want to make something similar very soon .

Of coruse. Thanks a lot. Hope to see it.