A new outfit of simple A-LINE gown I made for grandma as a gift for the new year

in NeedleWorkMonday2 years ago

It is so great and feel so happy to be back here to my lovely family and friends on hive especially @needleworkmonday thanks for making 2021 a fun filled year for me, you made me feel so great and special with your comment, support and encouragement, all these made me improve in my sewing career as I look forward to bringing new style and creativity everyday, which has really helped alot in building my career, I really appreciate you all and trust me, this year will be greater and better than the previous. I love you all.

Today being the first Monday of the year, I gladly want to share with you this simple gown I made for our grandma.


Mama is an old woman whom was brought from the village to stay with her daughter, her daughter is one of my good and consistent client and she took me as her sister, when mama came, we were to close and she love to see me around if mama didn't see me come around for two days, she will call and asked me the reason for not coming to see her.

This festive period, one of her daughter sent mama this fabric and i told her I will make it for her, she ask how much it will cost but I told her when the job is done, I went home and quickly cut a simple gown and in less than an hour, I was through with it.

When I took the fabric to her, she was surprised and asked for the payment. I told her not to worry that it's for free as a gift for the season, mama was so happy and short of words, all she could do was to pray for me and deep inside of me, I was so happy and glad, mama keep thanking as Nd praying for meeveryday for the dress...😀😀😀😀😀

Below are the cutting and sewing process

First, the fabric was folded in two to cut the front bodice


The shoulder was measured together with the sleeves and the armhole was connected to the hem of the sleeves after I have marked out the bust, waist and full length measurement as shown


The front bodice was placed on another folded fabric to cut out the back bodice.


It was taken to the sewing machine for proper sewing.


And finally, our grandma's dress is ready.


With just few steps, the dress is ready and looking beautiful.

Thanks for your time and support, have a glorious and fruitful year.


Nice outfit for mama. The joy and inner happiness derived when giving is always extraordinary. Well done and happy new year

Yes, you are right @kemfon I was so glad to see grandma very happy with the dress, to me, it was little but to her, it was really appreciated, thanks for your time and comment, I wish you a prosperous year.

You are welcome

This is really pretty @bimpcy, happy new year to you, I pray may this year be fruitful for you

Amen boss, wish you all the best althrough this year and beyond.

Thanks too God bless you

 2 years ago  

Oh, this fabric has a beautiful drape. It looks super comfortable and cool, the color is great. Your grandmother will surely be very happy with it ❤️.

In fact, I fell in love with the dress after sewing, it is so simple and beautiful, grandma was so happy with it. Thanks so much for your comment @lauramica.