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I love your working spot in the sunshine and visited by your cat. It is interesting to me that you call it a street, it looks like a walkway of some kind, are cars able to transit it to?
The process of your shoe cobling is very intersting and looks extremely complicated. It is making me really appreciate the shoes I do have that are made of natural material!


Ciao beautiful and talented co-creative sister - so lovely to have ypur gorgeous response here, thank you sincerely... And yes! It is so sweet how whatever I'm doing in the Via, Beniamino, Betty and Fridha come and sit or lie near me... They feel safer too, and get energised by the company 🤗 Aye, it is a pedestrian street - with steep marble steps at either end of it, quite far from the nearest car... Very nice for cats, with the big wild gardens below...

And siiii: it has been MUCH more complicated I think than I'd do next time! But a great, intense learning process of course - so keeping me alert and growing my skills a lot... worth the efforts!

Blessed day to you, dear @calendulacraft!
