Progress on my first proper handmade shoes!

in NeedleWorkMonday2 months ago (edited)


Buongiorno dear needlework lovers!


Ah, what a joy it was to finish another phase of this shoe creation! It seemed like I couldn't get past the doubts, and begin the main body of the shoe...


But I took some deep breaths, and started cutting out the sides, toes and tongues, freestyle. I have a rough feeling about how the shape will form, though I know this prototype with be very crude....


The next step was to begin the construction with the toe pieces - even though these are the parts I am least confident about. It was a lot of work to make the holes first, then to use needle and thread to bind the soles and toes.

buttons gifted by my dear new fabulously-creative friend Madeleine - who is also in the photo below, making red pockets for her turqoise jumpsuit!

I found the leather moving a lot! This was unsettling at first, until - as with the finding of the previously-pricked holes - after some half hour or so of stitching, things began to feel much smoother.



This buoyed me, and it started to be quite thrilling to pull the form of the shoe together. When I sewed the backs of the two side pieces in particular, it made this glorious line of neat stitching - just like in a proper shoe!




In all honesty, it is unclear whether the shoe will function for long; the leather, if you remember from phase one of this project, is from a skirt, and so is fairly soft. Plus the many unstitchings left many lines of holes, which may compromise the structure. All this, as well as the general malleability of the leather versus the sturdy strength of the thread versus the tension of the stitches.


It is good to be getting a feel of how all these elements interplay, knowing that the following pairs that I will create might become more and more efficient and beautiful 🪷


Madeleine joined me for a sewing session on Sunday afternoon: it is fabulous to have company when doing difficult projects like this!

As I begin the reinforcing of the edging of the middle of each shoe, by folding the border back, making a kind of hem, it's extremely satisfying to see the curve unfolding, the stitches growing more confident, the potential of the shoe-form coming together.


Perhaps I'll take the pieces with me as we drive into the mountains for a picnic today: it is so good to enjoy sewing out under the sunshine, where the details are that much easier to see!


Wishing you all the great satisfaction of projects coming to completion, this blessed week.


So much love and good things to you all!

finally giving up the day's session when I couldn't see the stitch holes any more, with the light fading!



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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
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Thank you loads, dear @hivecurators - your support is very welcome! 😇

@clareartista, you are most welcome!

Please Support Back

aha the shoes look great, thanks for sharing keep up the good work. Have a great day and week ahead.

Thank you @diyhub ! It is wonderful having your support, seriously! Many great blessings to you and yours at DIY Hub too!



Looks awesome Clare! Perhaps these could be lounging around the house shoes so they last longer - I think you could get a little bit of sealant for the bottom and it might increase the time they last.

Ciao dear @cmplxty - it's good to hear from you!! Yey; they will be used more for the house - but that is a nice idea about the sealant, yes: I'll think on that some, and see how that might fit into the final shape of them. Something waxy, perhaps.... I will likely end up being very precious with them, and not want to wear them outside - though there is a kind of local custom of popping to the wee general store with one's slippers on, so I'll probably do that. 😄

I’ve got a pair of leather slippers and they are my favorite! Granted they have a little more of a layer on them then yours does it looks like but once you wear them around the house a decent bit the leather gets a bit of a coating to it you could say, and makes it pretty good and durable. Just gotta be careful with them for a few weeks until that happens. I take a walk out to the car if it’s dry out with them in which isn’t the best because we keep a clean house but it’s ok once in a while!

Yey, @cmplxty !! The walk up Via Roma to the shop is pretty easy going, even for inside shoes, and no I'll keep them away from rain and water and dog poo, for sure 😆 Thanks for reminding me to be careful for the first while with them: wear them in and habituate them to the house, at least! Anyhoo, the prototype is bound to be lesser than the next set I make... Looking forward to the mastery! Happy day to you, friend 🤗

I can't wait to see how it turns out, you are courageous, taking up a shoe project, I love that, keep it up.

I cannot wait either!! Thanks for this lovely comment dearest @glorydee - yey, I am feeling more confident with every project I sew: and getting increasingly bored with my own neuroses! ;-D It will be amazing to finish these shoes, if I can!

I was also concerned if it would last long since it’s a leather from a skirt.
Well, let’s see how it goes
You are doing a great job though, working with a moving leather.
Can’t wait to see the result

Ciao dear @abenad - yes, let's see! Thanks so much for your encouragement and comments, I appreciate it indeed. Avanti!

You’re welcome

Making shoes or sandals is not my thing, and let me tell you, I have tried several times and quit, so kudos to you for going ahead, I love the material.

Aw, bless you dear @gladymar1973 - yes, I put off making these shoes for at least 4 decades, since I made a botched pair that stimulated much ridicule from my primary school peers... It's amazing to push through the fear of making, and get nearer to completing! Thanks for your comment, and yes, the material is lovely to work with: am excited learning about leather!

You are really doing a great job I must confess. You are about to be done

Oh, thank you dear @precab - though there's a looooot more to sew, it does feel so much more possible, now the basic form is clearer... 😇

 2 months ago  

Happy Monday Clare. How nice to see a little more material in your shoe and see how it's slowly taking shape :) It's surely going to look beautiful and set the tone for future projects. And if the sole is a bit soft, it's always good to have a shoe to be comfortable indoors.

Greetings, hope all is well for you ❤️!

Ciao dearest @lauramica 😍!
How lovely to get this encouragement, as ever! Yes, I've had various flipflops and inside shoes, but this is very special to create something specifically for my feet, and for it to be so very soft, and lovingly stitched! I am even more motivated by the enthusiastic response on our beautiful community, so thank you hugely 🙏


You're so brave! Here's to the sunshine ❤️

Aw, bless you Shani!! And I love your easter egg post! I know cream eggs are pretty vile, but I miss them, hehe! They were my favourite sweet as a teenager - and yes, they were much bigger when we were younger!
Love to you!

Strange our affiliation to those creme eggs!
Love to you, too, hope you have a wonderful Eastertide!
Glad you have found a local making friend.

Greetings @clareartista, your progress in making the shoes is going very well, they are already taking shape, can't wait to see the result.

Have a great week!

Ciao dearest @belkyscabrera !
Indeed, the feeling of them taking shape is getting more and more thrilling! I send you many blessings on your week too: mine is starting quite dynamically and creatively, hooray!

Amazing work!✨
Love those wooden buttons! They look like cute, tiny tree trunks :<)


Yey! They make me want to explore making wooden buttons, as I am cutting wood regularly, and have some nice-sized pieces that I can experiment with. Thanks for your comment dearest Vincent!

I am sure you will get to wooden button making too, one of these days. Perhaps we can even work on that together, when I visit you.
🎸Wooden-ed that be nice? ;<)

I am enjoying seeing these shoes come together! Looking forward to the next installment.



good work on the sewing, interesting