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RE: My numerous Achievements in the year 2023 , Reflection and Gratitude

in NeedleWorkMonday6 months ago

I really enjoyed reading this 2023 overview and the goals you have set for the coming year. I remember every outfit you displayed here.

Congratulations on the supplies and tools you’ve gained, the skills acquired and the completed outfits. These are all worth remembering and I’m glad you realized just how much you have achieved by going over this.

I didn’t realize the responsibility you had to take on at a younger age. You are an amazing woman and artist. As you can see, you have touched and inspired many of us on this platform. Keep up the amazing work and continue striving to achieve all of your ambitions.

Thank you so much for joining the challenge ~ ❤️


Thank you so much mum you have been a blessing to me. And your kind words are such an inspiration on a daily basis....