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RE: Dark magic and the checkered bedsheet dress

in NeedleWorkMonday3 years ago

I am secretly a monster which hides its nature beneath ill-fitting dresses and too big knitted cardigans.

😄 I love how you did this post and revealed to us at the end how this dress reflects your character.

You make this journey of fitting and mending a lot of fun and at the same time everyone learns together during the process. Thank you for always being you ~ ❤️

I’ll stay tuned of course to see how this dress fits in the end.

 3 years ago  

Thank you for your kind words, but honestly, sometimes I am really at a loss why sewing is so hard for me. But I already got a grip on myself and have drawn new seams. I will take the dress in 1 cm at both sides at the waist and 2 (not 3) cm at the shoulders. Hopefully this will fit a bit better...
(And yesterday I really felt like a monster... bloodshot eyes because of the migraine and unwashed hair... 🤣😱)

I know you joke a lot about it but I can imagine how frustrating you actually get at times. I’m glad you made your decisions on the seam and I am so hoping it’s a better fit for you ;)

 3 years ago  

Don't ask... I tried the new seams 😭😫 And taking in the shoulders did exactly: nothing. Now I will stop doing anything and reread @nikv explanation because I think she has the solution (but my again headache brain makes it hard to understand the process... ok, maybe its more my missing sewing skill)

Oh no! Well I still have faith in you to understand the instructions and get it fitted!! You Can Do This!!! 🤗