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RE: Meet Octie - Aya's Marine Biology Finger Knitting Project

in NeedleWorkMondaylast year

Octie is too adorable! She did a good job sticking to her project and finishing it.

Way to go Mama! I love the lessons and values you are instilling in your daughter. Homeschooling has so many wonderful benefits and I love the fact that our children don’t have to feel rushed or pressured. Catering to their interests and individual desires is one of the best things I think a parent can do for their child. This will set a good foundation for them to enjoy the work they do and excel in it.

Thanks for sharing this with us today. I totally understand about the crocheting vs the homeschooling and being committed to your daughter’s education first. That’s exactly how I feel about our homeschool journey as well. I wish I had more time for my craft love but priorities first ~ 😊

 last year  

Technically, I still am doing a lot of crocheting because no one knows what will happen with my sanity if I don't do anything that will help calm me down in the midst of all the homeschooling stuff. I just can't find the time to actually post about them. I know I have in my bucket list to join in the bucket list challenge. Haha.

🤣🤣🤣!! That’s hilarious about your bucket list! Well I hope you’re able to find the time within the month. 😉

I totally get about staying sane. I get so excited when I find the time to crochet ~