dehiloycrochet is...

Hello, my name is Rossana Medina, from Venezuela I am the hands that knit "dehiloycrochet". I learned to crochet when I was 8 years old from my grandmother's friend, Sister Candida. At that time she talked to me about the importance of making perfect stitches, pillars that were of the same size, thickness, with the same tension in the yarn. With her I learned to love the technique deeply.
After 40 years this is what I do with dedication and affection. Here I share some of my creations, some published on my website as well as in social networks.

mascara venus de tacarigua.jpg

Rosetón de Claudette Sguazini

Flor africana

Totebag Mandala

Mandalas en color

Tacarigua's Fantasy

Thanks to the organizers and all the members of this community.

 8 months ago  

Hola @dehiloycrochet bienvenida a nuestra comunidad de artesanos, es un placer tenerte publicando tus creaciones por acá. En esta comunidad encontrarás muchas personas amables que comparten tu misma pasión por las manualidades y las artes con agujas. Como eres nueva en la comunidad, te voy a dejar algunas pautas que son importantes a tener en cuenta al momento de publicar acá. Saludos y bendiciones.

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Importante leer Oh, Just Another Tutorial

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Such a beautiful introduction, dear @dehiloycrochet ! Your work looks fabulous - I look forward to seeing more of it soon!
