My Very First Amirugumi, Smiling Flower – Easy DIY Needlework How to

in NeedleWorkMonday2 years ago


Hello, friends especially DIY ers!

Finally I just finished my very first amirugumi flower, at first of course I was so happy that finally I could finish it even not too well, but I believe that practices would make my crocheting skill grow up, right? And I would like to share how I made it with you all here.

Project Time: approximately 5-6 hours

Difficulty: Medium

Materials & Things needed:

  • Medium yarn in yellow and also blue
  • Crochet hooks in size 5 and 6 (it was because the yellow and blue didn’t have the same size).
  • A bit thin yarn in black ( I use 6 strands of embroidery floss), red and pink (it had the same diameter as the medium yellow one)
  • Plastic pin
  • Tapestry needle
  • Filling polyester stuff (dacron)

How to make it:


I started by making a magic ring by using the yellow yarn and size 6 hook. Then I made the single crochets inside it.



Then I finished when I reach 6 single crochets. After that I pull the tail then put the plastic pin to mark the first single chain. To make the round 2, I did 2 single crochets to each of the chains on the first round I made before. Also I marked the first chain. Then I finished the round, so I got 12 chains around.



For the round 3, I made 1 single crochet to the first chain on the round 2, then 2 single crochets (called increased), then 1 single crochet and repeat until finished. While for the round 4, I did the single crochet, then single crochet, then increased, until the chain on round 3 finished.



Next, I finished the round by ended it with the invisible stitch then slipped the rest to the back of the circle object I made. And I also made one identical same yellow circle.



Finished it also with invisible stitch. Then I took one of them and started to make the closed eyes with the black floss. In this part I used the tapestry needle. I also made the smiling mouth with the thin red yarn.



After that I also made the pink cheeks and then I cut some rest tails of the yellow circles. Then I joined the two yellow circles (correspondent) by put the hook inside two same chain of them then I took the blue yarn and slipped it to them.



I did the single crochets around with the blue yarn (the hook size was 5). Before I closed it I also add the filling stuff (dacron) then I closed them. Next I made the petals. How to make it was simple 3 chains then 6 treble crochets in the same chain.



Next to close it I also made 3 more chains to close the petal. The next chain was to close so I skipped it, then I made another petal, and another, one by one until I got the circle closed with petals.



For the back, I slipped the rest of the blue yarn around then slipped knot it then cut the rest.


The Result

Voila, here was my very first amirugumi smiling flower.


I am very happy with the result and going to make a crochet bag to match it, any idea how I could make the small cute bag where I could hang this flower?

Thanks for reading my article, hope you enjoy it and stay tune for more CRAFT things from me!

The photos were taken with Samsung A52 5G and I didn’t use any filters on my pictures.

A bit about the author


Devy Leona

She works in a bank but she interests in CRAFT (CRaft, Art, Food and Travel). To pursue her art passion she does the cross stitch, embroidery, handsewing, crafts, crochet and also draws. Find hers in and Also find her cute cats NFTs here .


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This is a beautiful flower
Can't wait for the woven bag🤗

Thank you 🙏 then stay tuned 😊 i would share it here too in Hive!

Oooh! Is very cute, I love it 😍✨

oh what a joy that you have made your first amigurumi, I can't believe the coincidence, because my first amigurumi years ago was a flower very similar to the one you made, if you believe in good luck then that means that you will also get to make amugurumis more elaborate in the future, because I started like you
The flower I made that time was made up of a single central part, that is, I did the same as you, a circle, but then I did a few rounds without an increase and then I did the same sequence of stitches but instead of an increase I made dismunitions, ending with 6 stitches just like the beginning 😊

Wow, you have an awesome job. How I wish I will give this a try one day. Thanks for sharing.

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A cute amigurumi. I was smiling while reading your post.


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Omg, it looks amazing and adorable, great job, congrats.

Thank you :)

And this is the beginning of a great story. Congratulations on this new stage. At the beginning I knitted a mini teddy bear with googly eyes as a keyring.

Thank you very much :)
Yes would be a beginning, great that you made a teddy. May i see it?

I took a picture of it and it came out all blurry, haha.

Oh but you could screenshot it on your phone instead of taking photo

Good idea, although that was in 2018, as soon as I saw it I gave it away...What will become of that teddy bear, haha.

Woah how could that be?

This is really cute and I am not sure I can ever be able to do something like this.
Am glad you practised until you gave us this beauty.

Thanks a lot 😊