Abigail Finished up her One Month Crochet Course

in NeedleWorkMonday4 months ago

Hello everyone, Happy Sunday, I hope you all had a wonderful day. Today I’ll be showing us the paid jobs Abigail did while she was here with me. For most of you that read the post I wrote about my favorite student in this set of trainees ,Abigail, the promo class lasted for a month and as hard as it is to admit that she’s done working with us. Well I have to come to terms with it. She finished about a week ago and this post is to show the two paid jobs she got while she was with me.


There is a particular advice I always give my trainees when they start learning with me and that is “start advertising inspos of your craft before you master it” worst that’ll happen is they send you a picture of something you can’t make but I’ll show you how to make it.


I learnt this from how mine was where I started. So as a crochet newbie waiting till when you have mastered before yeup start posting only increases the time you’ll have to wait before getting orders. Some can be a month or two months or even more. So posting while you’re learning shortens the time.


We can stew from this. Getting orders as a newbie in crochet is not easy but after the first two weeks of consistent posting Abigail got these two in the last two weeks. She executed them perfectly and yes I’m bragging because can your student even?…


For the time i aso tent with her she has shown great passion for this craft and has exceeded her colleague beautifully. She has always been humble and ready to learn anytime any day.


The last order was very urgent and she literally worked day and night to get it down. I had to encourage her constantly because I know what it feels like trying to get it right as a beginner but I am happy that my girl aces all her orders and represented us 100%.


She went to school tho and she’ll be continuing there and we still keep close contact. I don’t know what could possibly make a trainee happier than this. She has been growing fast and constantly and I’m happy she didn’t give up when she got tough assignments or encountered something that was strange to her.


I always tell people that 30 days is enough to learn a whole lot of things in crochet. The question is if you are ready to dedicate everything you have to it.
Abigail started at the same time with about 4 students but has done more than all of them. Not because she’s a fast learner or anything but because she has been able to accept not being able to get it the first 5 times as part of the process. To an extent she had a hard time learning more than the other students but she always put her all into it and would come back the next day with a neat job and when you ask her how she’ll say she worked on it all night.


She wanted to learn something new every time, and in the end she finished with flying colors. I’m happy to see that she has grown so well in a month and I’m excited to see the next projects she’ll be doing over there

Ps: the pictures used here belong to me and were taken with my mobile phone.


Aww Abigail is done?
From all that you’ve said about her I think she’s a good student and I love that she always wants to learn new things
I love the second work of hers
Tell Abigail I said I’m proud her and welcome to the crochet world.

Yeah she finished up. I’ll make sure to tell her all you’ve said

Wow, your apprentice does justice to this crochet thing. You must be a good teacher

Thank you. I try to teach well

Yeah you teach really well

Oohhh... those are amazing... and really believe she is no only fast learning also is a fast crocheter... One month dor the dress it is fast.. Thank you for share...

Thank you so much.

What a beautiful project this is and it came out looking so nice. Congrats to Abigail.