Crochet Items I Have Made for My Niece

in NeedleWorkMonday2 months ago

Hello my fellow needleworkers, I hope you all had a productive week. Happy Sunday to all of you.
So last time I posted about my niece and I said I would make a post about the things I made for my niece. I only have these because my phone is faulty soi could not get most of the pictures from there and I decided to stick to these ones.


I have a thing about making things for my niece apart from the fact that I love making her things and they always look so good on her. It is also less time consuming to make things for her so I always opt for that one.

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My niece does this thing where if I make a new fit or accessory she would want to get it from me and I think that is how I started knowing the kinds of things to make for her. She loves bags, hair bands more like all hair accessories tops too so i just settled with making these ones since it was very visible that she liked these ones.

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The first thing I ever made for her was a headband, a royal blue double crochet headband. It was my first time making a headband so I was crossing my fingers. I had just gotten my first crochet kit and I just wanted to make something for her. I only had blue yarn available so I whipped something up for here and it was a perfect fit. She was only one or two at the time so I could not get pictures of her.

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Second was the sky blue puff stitch headband. I saw the pattern online and it looked pretty cool and I wanted to try it out. Tithing is i almost never use headbands so obviously i would be making it for the little woman good thing i paid them a visit that day so i sat there and made it for her and i could easily test out the length on her head and the milk cotton yarn made it come out so beautifully and i was dancing in my chair.

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Third was this white headband but I have forgotten the stitch so I will just run right now hahahahaha and there was a beanie after that, a top too a cardigan also and I think there were other things there but I would only talk about the ones i have picture proof of.


Then I made this red headband. I think this is the first time I tried out making a bow and I think I aced it. I was thinking of what to do with the bow after I learned it so I made a headband again,lol I never get tired of these actually. I do not know how many headbands I have made.


Lastly it would be THE SQUARELY BAG i got two packs of cotton yarn as my birthday gift last year and i made things for myself but i can not forget my babe. I tried out this lovely tote bag pattern but made a minibag instead for her and I kid you nt she went to bed with the bag in her arms and almost took it to school.
I think this beats any client review and i was smiling all through when my sister called to tell me

Ps: these pictures belong to me and we’re taken with my mobile device.


Wow purs is so beautiful appreciatable ♥️🫶🏻

Oh my favorite is the bag
It’s really cute
I love the colours
At this point let me just register myself to be your second niece

ah ah noooooo my niece will fight you o

I don’t mind🥹