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RE: How I write a NeedleWorkMonday post and a small up date on my Eden dress

in NeedleWorkMonday4 years ago (edited)

Working standing and not sitting is something I'd love to practice but just like you, I don't have an adjustable table, nor free space to place one in the house. However, it's a good idea and did you know you can burn more calories like that? It's scientifically proven. I see you've found the perfect solution for that. I may need to find mine 😁

The dress looks great and I'm always admiring you for being so grave and skilled. Well done. Looking forward to see what you're going to come up on Monday 😉

 4 years ago  

More calories??! I need this :-DD Perhaps I should stand a lot more :-D For me its more because of my back, neck and hips, they dislikes to sit for longer periods. I hope you find a solution for a good writing spot 🙏
Thank you so much for the compliment about the dress and my skills, but honestly, I am not skilled in sewing, I am a dazzler... I only use stretch fabric, a forgiving fit and simple patterns. But i so want to learn more!!! But I really need a teacher which is during covid times not doable (the sewing course which I stared is stopped for a unknown period). I dream of sewing blouses and fitting trousers and and and 😍

Sitting for a long period is never good, nor healthy, so you are right.
Are you kidding me? You're a hero! I hate stretch fabric and gives me the freaks! I'm afraid of it, so you're a hero in my eyes 😁
I believe you can learn all that in time, just be patient.

 4 years ago  

Strange... I fear woven fabric. It is so misbehaving on my body, it simply wont fit 😱😂😱😂 I now believe someone should mix our genes and than a super-sewer will emerge :-DDDDD I really find stretch fabric easy to sew, but I guess it could depend on the sewing machine, some seem to be easier on stretch fabric than others (I have a pfaff machine and it is said to have a top and bottom feed and this makes the stretch fabric glide better, said the description)

You are so funny, you know that?