Extra Long Cardigan Finished!


My eternity project of a cardigan is finally done and I’m very pleased with it!

I scrolled back on my camera roll and found that I started this project on July 29th, and finished yesterday, so it took me nearly too months. I did make a couple little things in between, like these socks I’m wearing, and a neckwarmer for a toddler, and I have been busy with other stuff so I haven’t been knitting every day.


I used up 8 skeins of both the Sunday merino yarn and Tynn silk mohair from Sandnes Garn, they really are a perfect combination together. It’s quite expensive to do projects this big so I’m not gonna embark in anything like this in a while, though I am already on my next sweater project because I’m obsessed.


I contemplated on the colour for a long time and I’m really happy I went with the eucalyptus green, it’s not boring like beige or black, but for my colouring it’s still a neutral and easy to style.


If you are interested in making this too, you can find the pattern from PetiteKnit, it’s called No Frills Cardigan and it comes in several languages.

I found this pattern to be really easy to follow and mostly enjoyable to do, though I do prefer a bottom-up design because then I can do the sleeves separately.


I wanted an extra long cardigan and I knew it would loosen and stretch lenght wise when I washed and blocked it, so I cast off at knee lenght. I got the perfect calf lenght, but what I completely forgot to account for was the fact that of course the pockets would drop down too so now I cab hardly reach them. A pretty stupid mistake and nothing I can do about it now, live and learn, not the end of the world. I still need to carefully iron the pockets and probably add a few stitches to the sides of the opening to make them less slouchy.


You’ll find me wrapped in this sitting on the couch for the forseeable future.


I think you did an amazing job, it is gorgeous. I'm going to have to look up that pattern because I'm keen to knit one for myself, it looks really snug and cozy for winter.

You should open an Etsy account to sell some of this stuff. That's if you have time with all this stuff you're doing at the same time!

Never ever! Lets say this took me 160 hours (a wild guestimate) to make, multiply that with a minimum wage of 9€/h, add 24%tax and the material cost of 132€, and show me the people who would be willing to pay that. That’s also on a size S, make it XL and you can almost double the price. Furthermore, you can’t sell a knit that is designed by someone else, unless that person sells the rights to do so.

This is the thing people who don’t do hangcrafts don’t understand and always tells those who do to sell their stuff. I know people mean that as a compliment but you have no idea how snarky those same people often get if they would have to pay even 150€ for something like this. There is a reason why nobody sells handmade knits and instead the pattern selling industry is huge.

Ah. Makes so much sense. I had no idea about the knit rights. Wow.

Yeah, bad idea 😅

AMEN! I only make things to give to people who love and appreciate them. You NEVER get reimbursed for all the love and hard work that goes into a handmade item.

Exactly! Only the closest family and friends will get the handmade goodies, the rest can cry about it 😝 Luckily my mom is a great crafter of many different things and my sister is an artist so we can all gift each other really nice hamdmade pieces.

Looks so warm and nice to touch!
Beautiful work 🙂

It’s very soft indeed :)

Hi @eveuncovered 🤗

Wow, your work is wonderful 💓 It took you almost two months to do it 🙌🏻 🙌🏻 🙌🏻 The color is beautiful. Here where I live it is known as mint green.

I would love to knit a cardigan like that for myself and wear it like you 💚 I didn't know that you have to take into account that it stretches when you wash it. I don't know how to knit, but I hope to learn someday 💟

Perfect, cozy and comfy 😍❤️ stylish as well

It is beautiful!!!

I know right ☺️

Love it, love it 💕

Wou!!! So so professional. I loved it!

Thank you! :)

Sometimes we plan to do a project and time just goes by and time goes by. But we always have it in mind to complete it.

Beautiful garment, it is very elegant and its color can make it combine with any garment. I liked it very much.

Love the color!

My favourite at the moment and I need to restrain myself so I don’t make and paint everything in the same shade 😅

Yay! 🤗
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Lovely and very inspiring. The length and color are perfect!
I started a sweater coat last winter and now need to pick up my needles once more since the weather if finally cool again. I may have used a half size to small on the back, so I will be ripping it and starting afresh very soon.

Ugh, unraveling is the worst but so worth it to make sure the final piece really fits well.