Tablet Weaving

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I have a Mother's Day special for this Needlework Monday. I'm not showcasing my own handcrafts for once, but my mom's as she showed me her latest obsession yesterday. I should most definitely document more of my mom and all of her handcrafts, both the making and finished results.

Here my mom is showing us Tablet (or card) Weaving. I do hope the community doesn't mind there are no needles involved actually.

My mom is extremely skilled in many different handcrafts, and she has learned a lot of techniques that not that many people in the world know anymore. This skill here is almost ancient, dating its roots back all the way to middle ages. The basic tools are simple and cheap, just cards with holes and yarn, but it's by no means easy. Just like with most handcrafts, you can do the simple stuff, or you can always keep learning more and make some very elaborate designs. Mom is still somewhat new to tablet weaving, but she has already made some pretty cool designs and colourways.

I myself have never tried tablet weaving, but I think I will give it a go at some point and have mom teach me just the basics. I think it's really cool to know these old and almost forgotten techniques. You'll never know what might happen in the world and something like this could actually be a very useful skill. The weaved belts and clothing trims you can make with this technique are extremely strong, I think you might be able to tow a car with something like this if it's a bit wider, the weaving is so strong.




 3 years ago (edited) 

Nooooooo, you are not allowed to show me so beautiful photos of a new crafting technique!!! I could get addicted from this new craft and what then? 😁
Joke aside, I never heard of tablet weaving and I am amazed. The finished project reminds me a bit of knotted bracelets I made with emboridery floss when I was younger. But these knotting technique would drive me crazy know. The weaving seems to be much more economical and I am glad you wrote this post, I will directly research this technique.
It would be so lovely to see more of your wonderful photos and read about your mothers (or your) crafty projects, so I send you an invite to the NeedleWorkMonday Community (if you already got all the infos, feel free to ignore the following text :-DDD)
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Haha! 😆 Why do you think I haven't tried this yet? Exactly because I have an addictive personality when it comes to crafts and then I go way overboard! I've made those knotted friendship bracelet too but where they are more stretchy, these weaved ones don't really have any give, thus they work well as belts or bag straps and things like that :)

 3 years ago  

My bracelets were stiff like hell, as I was a tad crazy back in time (hmmm or still now :-D) I knotted them from sewing thread, you know the thin thread you put into the sewing machine...😱 I have no idea why I did this. It looked nice, but I hade deep ridges in my fingers from pulling the thread :-DDDD But the designs from your mother are relly lovely, it is so tempting to learn something new.

From sewing thread!? That is mental! 😂

Tosi kauniita kuvioita ja malleja! Ja kivat värit tossa työn alla olevassa. Itse tehdyssä on kyllä aina se kiva extrahohto. Ja voin vaan kuvitella että nälkä kasvaa syödessä. Varmasti edellistä mallia jo tehdessä tulee ideoita uusiin nauhoihin. Onkos ton nimi siis suomeksi lautanauhan kudonta? Sellasta solmuilla tehtävää littanaa nauhaa olen joskus tehnyt mutta en tällaista matonkudonta tyyppistä. Hitsi, mulla onkin ikävä mattojen kutomista, tämä ois vähän niinkuin downshiftattu versio matonkutomisesta. Ilman kangaspuita.

Joo, lautanauha! Oon mäki joskus tehny semmosia perus ystävänauha juttuja mut sehän on solmujen tekemistä oikeestaan, tässä tosiaan jotain samaa kun mattojen kutomisessa. Täähän olis kyllä huomattavasti järkevämpi noin niinku tilankäytöllisesti kerrostaloasuntoon kun ne kangaspuut :D

Mä näen sieluni silmin miten hyvin yhteen sopis vähän leveemmän lautanauhan teko, kaikki ne langat ja kissat. 😺

Mä en usko että solmuun saa ihan ilman niitä kissojakin 😅

Hello, I already want to learn it, I love learning and/or experimenting with different weaving techniques. This technique seems very original to me, I'm going to investigate about it.

When you are learning it, if you can, share your progress with us.

Thanks for sharing. Greetings.

Impressive! I love is an impeccable job.... I never imagined that a miniature loom could be made at home.... I congratulate you excellent post.

Impresionante! me un trabajo impecable....nunca imagine que podía hacerse un telar miniatura en casa.... te felicito excelente post.

Amzing cool ;))

We can't have needlework without yarn or thread or fabric, so of course weaving is welcome! !BEER

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Beautiful photos, I love you post.. thank you foe share... I Hope you really learn the techniques from your mom and teach us... well maybe...

Wow, I give it to you.... 👏 👏 👏 lovely!! So amazing, am getting jealous already I wish am the one that crafted