Embroidered Pocket for a Colonial Costume

in NeedleWorkMonday3 years ago


This colorful item is a pocket I embroidered years ago for an historical costume. Around the time of the American Revolution, women's full petticoats had slits at the sides to allow them to access separate pockets that were worn tied around the waist. Rumor has it young single women would wear their pockets outside their skirts to show off their sewing skills to prospective suitors!

I am already married, of course, and my husband could not care less about my skills in crewel embroidery, but I wanted to share this with the NeedleworkMonday community. I used a combination of stamped transfers to create a design consistent with the 1776 time period. It is worked in cotton floss on heavy cotton fabric. The ties are simple twill tape threaded through a casing at the top of the pocket.


Happy NeedleworkMonday!


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