Laughable Vintage Patterns: Offensive and Hilarious

in NeedleWorkMonday3 years ago (edited)

Public Service Announcement
Please, for the love of all that is decent, crochet and knit responsibly.
Thank You


Those of us "of a certain age" will remember when ladies' magazines included knitting or crochet patterns, recipes, etc. instead of endless articles about diets and sex. I pulled out some of my stuff from the 1970s and present it for your pleasure, along with The Museum of Kitschy Stitches by Stitchy McYarnpants.

First, this horrible caricature of Native American fashion by McCall's:


I want to personally apologize to every descendant of the First Nations people for this abominable act of malicious crocheting.

Then there was the trend of loopy knitting (or maybe knitting while a little "loopy"?)


Finally, if you are trying to end a relationship with a man, just make him some of these:


I hope none of these items caused you to become nauseous or to spew coffee out your nose as you laughed. If you found this amusing, please share your own humorous or atrocious craft stories in the comments.


I like the disclaimer warning at the start! 🤣 Gosh, I remember that era.

I'm glad my mother had better taste than many of the designers of that era. She chose better color combinations and avoided the most outrageous designs. !BBH

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

Most certainly did make me laugh and cringe at the same time.

Totally true on the fact that magazines (and mainstream media in general) revolve around a very small list of things. The arts of sewing and knitting are slowly being resurrected though by great groups like this.

I got told a little while ago that the unicprn puke coloured blanket I am knitting for my toddler I'd over the top by an extended family, but hey, my daughter is only 4 and she chose the wool so I'm ok with over the top for now 🤣

If your daughter likes the yarn, that's all that matters!

Funny how that first pic caught my eye and instantly brought me back memories from the 70th's , when my mother had those magazine's and my grandma knitted some very itchy clothing for this little brag .
While i thought that it was an alien magazine with out-folding maps that behold the code to create powerful structures .. i must have bin a bit confused with other science i guess ,.. reading was not yet one of my skills at that early age to .

Thks for triggering a good one ,.. ;-)

My own mom taught me to crochet around 1970 or so. I made lots of granny square potholders, fringed vests, and belts. Good memories to cherish, for sure. !BEER

Hey @small1axe, here is a little bit of BEER from @fiberfrau for you. Enjoy it!

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My mum did alot of crocheting then, knitting sweaters and caps for all her new born, she is always knitting anytime she is expecting.

Now am sad I never learnt it, back then it never seem very useful to me. How sad I never learnt the skill
And its not common here anymore.
Except for the lovely ones I see on hive daily