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RE: #needleworkmonday | What's inspiring me right now

I didn't do the payment thing. I don't even remember signing up to be honest. I just get an email once a week which I mostly skim. If you want to be an active participant with the original group I think most of the action takes place on Instagram or in Facebook groups.


Following your progress is active enough for me 😂
I left Facebook years ago, and Instagram does my head in every time I look at it. Email suits me perfectly, I unsubscribe if anyone gets too much!

I'm exactly the same. I've been posting on Instagram because I set up an account, just for #the100daysproject, with my Thursday attic art friend. She thought it would motivate her to post every day but, so far, it's mostly me doing the posting. It does my head in too so I'm going to see if she's OK with me not posting there any more. It doesn't seem to be working for her as planned.

I haven't been on Faceboook for years but I do miss the arty, crafty type groups. There was plenty to learn and share if you were in the right group. But, even if I was still on there, I wouldn't join the 100 Day ones. Way too much action for me. 😂

Amazingly, there are so many groups down here! I've discovered a new very busy art group in a nearby village. They meet every Friday for four hours and have an exhibition in the summer.

That sounds fun. Are you going to join?

Not this year. I've joined two groups (knitting and Voices on Art) and they both have multiple spinoffs and other events, outings and gatherings. Voices on Art seems to involve at least one party a week as far as I can see. I have to keep a space for Get By In French, run by the Twinning Association, which is loads of fun and also has multiple spinoffs including French language film viewings in a neighbouring town plus the trips to France. Hardly a minute to get any knitting done!

Wow. You are really busy. No wonder you don't have time to take on #the100dayproject.

My excuse for that is work and moving 😂